Forced Psychiatry 3
THe End of The World. Well, hopefully not quite yet

Forced Psychiatry 3

I'm sure being in an NHS PICU is paradise compared to a North Korean prison cell, except for the scaling up Haloperidol depot injections.

13:52, 29th April 2017, I, Stephen Wesley Copestake, of 111 Main Street, Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5AD, accuse my psychiatrists of breaking the Hippocratic Oath, if they took it and meant it. If they didn't take it, or didn't mean it then I accuse them of deliberate malicious malpractice. I appeal to the High Court of London. I bet them a Rembrandt etching, see previous post, they could not get me out of Rowanwood NHS PICU, with a Queen's Pardon for having been sectioned six times for being a Christian and praying in Lent. It is a pity I cannot appeal to Caesar any more. That would have got me out of here. I could not appeal to the Queen from inside here, it is it's own sovereign state. That is an accusation of treason.

Forced Psychiatry on the NHS: 3

13:04, 29th April 2017, This blog is/was massive. It will be heavily edited eventually, as a sequence of thoughts, connected together by topic as well as I can, and timing inserts to keep track of things. This weekend's work will make several articles and posts. I will call this article:

A Timed Stream of Consciousness on a Section Three,before I have very little effective consciousness left.

13:26, What I wrote between 01:20 and 06:45 is the real stuff, which will make future articles, just dumped at the end of this article for the moment.. I only have freedom here at night when the main day staff are not here. Last night was great, as the night staff duty nurse was a Christian, and there were very few staff, unusually. I spent most of the night writing at my laptop in the dining room, as it is much easier working at a table than a window ledge in my room.

13:11 Challenge to namesakes, Stephen Copestake, Copy editor, and Stephen Copestake, Editor.

Edit my articles, without getting LinkedIn just yet, and re-post them yourself with a credit to Stephen Copestake, as well as saying by Stephen Copestake. I will do the same some time, with ideas I get from your own work, when I have time to look at it. I've run out of inmail credits on LinkedIn Premium this month, after three minutes of signing up, when I only joined it to inmail you, to see if we were related. My brother has got our family tree back to Robert Large 1574 or something like that (hasn't quite got it back to Robert Large, Lord Mayor of London).

01:15, 29th April, 2017. This is in lieu of a blog, as I do not have the IT skills to set one up, yet. Anyone want to visit me and help me set one up? I hope someone does! What if Nadiya Savchenko had had a laptop and wifi and unlimited internet, unlimited imagination, and no censorship of what she wrote, and only very limited moral censorship of what she could look at, and no restriction on visitors, just no freedom or real safety.

13:03, And a threat of unlimited Haloperidol.

12:53, But, instead had had plenty of food, an exercise room with a mat and bean bags, Swiss balls, etc, but no machines, light free weights, a pool table, a table tennis table?

Ha. Four hours sleep, in my clothes – I lay on my bed and fell asleep. Not surprising. I had had seven hours sleep in five days, with none at all for 38 hours, due to forced Haloperidol. I just washed and got ready for bed, but I'm not likely to get back to sleep. It's 01:30 29th April 2017, so I might as well write an update, and pretend it is morning somewhere else, and that I've just got up instead, except it is dark, and will be for a few hours. So therefore, I will pretend it is winter in the Arctic and it is not going to get light anyway, and the reason I cannot go outside is because I and what's still left of my crew and my ship are stuck in ice, and there is no chance of survival in a blizzard this bad, and polar bears this hungry, fighting each other to get at us, and we have already lost the right to be called human ourselves. We volunteered. Even cavemen didn't do that, unless there was no alternative.

(It is now 05:45, three quarters light, it must be spring. I feel like I have been here long enough to lose track of the calender. I should have marked the days on my cell wall, and kept track of them.)

(It is now 06:43, nine-tenths light, it is just very cloudy. A perfectly acceptable time for someone to turn the telly on and scan the channels, but I am losing concentration – I have no right to complain. I got annoyed ten minutes ago when I could smell cigarette smoke, in a NHS hospital ward in 2017. The female -only smoking courtyard ventilates on to the main ward, where I have the best wifi connection. The general smoking courtyard ventilates on to the main bedroom corridor. I hate smelling fag smoke in my bedroom in a hospital! The patients light up in the corridors. This place is one of the only public buildings in the UK where you can chain smoke to your hearts delight.

06:56, a sudden jar in the subconscious. I will now pretend I have just got up and couldn't get wifi in my room, to check my emails. I have been telling the nigh staff that I am working on my children's story 'The Adventures of Gura', which I am in a way – the Carpathian photo was cut and pasted from it. I can prove this because I emailed the manuscript to my brother long before I started this blog, and is in his inbox, which I can't get to.

07:00, early shift start arriving, all dead on time, but only Sarah was early. Staff hand over will take some time, and then it will be breakfast. I will write 'til then, and go back to normal routine, and pretend I have been in bed all night. Time to tidy up this post, and finish it off. I doubt any one will actually read it. I bet everyone challenged, altogether, that I do not have to give out any prizes!

07:12 BBC News Headline: Brexit guidelines: Non-negotiable.

(Rapid change of venue back to my bedroom, so that the lad watching TV can switch to Radio 1 on full volume. Pity the TV is in a box, which crushes the sound. Now, my car stereo on full volume needs the skyroof open. Or ear plugs.)

07:15 Micro rant about NHS working conditions. The night duty staff have to work eleven hour shifts. She looked shattered, she has been doing piles of paperwork all night, I've just been sitting down doing this. The day staff usually work double shifts of fourteen hours, but they sort of volunteer for this to help out other staff on leave for sickness or holiday. There are no reserve staff in the NHS, except for the bank of extras who come in at short notice when things go pear shaped. I was really naughty and suggested she thought about things that should be changed in the NHS, and I could post them on line. Idea. How about anyone in the NHS reading this, feeling the same way, in-mailing me with things to post that would otherwise lose them their jobs.

11:17, Or better still, sending them snail mail anonymously to me at Rowanwood PICU, Carlton Clinic, Cumwhinton Drive Carlisle, CA1 3SX, and then you couldn't possibly be linked, via LinkedIn, which is why I have kept a low profile, apologies to anyone who is already LinkedIn to me. I wasn't doing nothing on LinkedIn, I just had a low profile, because there is too much spam from LinkedIn. No-one has time to read 16 page posts except me.

11:20am, This post was massive, I've been writing all night in peace and quiet. I've been asked to split it up, into two to four page posts. Sorry. Actually, I have no idea, at the moment, what I have been writing about in previous days, under Haloperidol. When I get out and get back in to full normal routine, I'll edit them and distill them, like you would ten litres of extract in a rotary evaporator. i.e., I will remove all the indiscreet, really serious stuff. It was Friday night. The doctors are all off duty, until Monday morning. Dr. Ken isn't on until Tuesday. I can't sleep on Haloperidol, ther is nothing to do here except eat a lot, watch Freeview I haven't got time for social media, or a television at home. Here I can delete all domestic duties - I have servants, and so I can get on with work. It was great when I got away with skipping meds for three weeks, I wrote a book, 'The Adventures of Gura'. Excuse repetition, for some people this might be the first post of mine they read.

Same about any subject whatsoever, for a different post I could call, 'Carrying the Cans', pun on clans.

A different post, 'Back to the Clans'. How about starting with Clan Ferguson, hey Jack? And John? And any of your old rock-climbing friends?

07:21 Quick rant about Brexit. How about scrapping Brexit and having an EU-exit instead. How about having a Total Europe Civil War, where each and every country in the EU fights the EU for it's full original sovereignty back, and let us all Cheer Royalty again!

11:10, I.E, it is the EU that needs to get out of Europe, before I kick it out. HaHaHA. Anyone want to see how much money they make or lose out of this idea? For 5% of profits after you have more than covered your own costs, if you lose money, tough. (i.e., anyone reading anything I write should use their own judgement if they like the idea and actually in-mail me about it (or any other idea I write about for that matter)

07:43 The internet slows down. It is useless during the day. Repeat post, already posted the other year, I bet it is still in the records, but no-one looked at it... I could re-write it, but not from memory after a Haloperidol depot the other day. It is in my file of notes on my card table at home. 'The Internet is Wasting Space', it was called. I think I posted in on Yahoo in a protest about the adverts. Basically, the gist of the post was that advertising and pornography (ignoring moral issues for this post, see a previous LinkedIn article, 'We Think The Future Doesn't Matter', I think it was that one anyway. I haven't started on porn yet).

Basically, the original post, as I now remember was about the idea that advertising is wasting the capacity of the internet to the extent that it is not powerful enough to do any real work at all, and that we are spending most of its capacity on useless, trivial nonsense to provide people's personal information for advertisers and governments.

Now, diversion, challenge to self: Google, can I shut you down before you get serious about censoring pornography. New rule for internet providers: The Search Engine Provider is liable for any consequences or actions taken by any individual, organisation or other party or person and can be sued by anyone being harmed by information obtained on the internet that in snail pace life would have an age restriction or military restriction etc. I have never read a single book on legal stuff, because I have such a rubbish memory, that it would be a waste of time. I am sure an old friend Peter Murcott could re-phrase that a lot better. He was one of the only people to ever really help my parents, from before I was born. (Memo, to self, give him a ring). Sorry, I digressed, I was talking about internet advertising and pornography wasting the capacity of the internet, and that it would be a hundred times faster than it is now if there wasn't any of it. Advertising is the worst offender from a technical point of view, but both are bad from a moral point of view. Sidetrack, another post about the idea that if something needs to be advertised in order to sell it then it is not worth selling it or buying it at all. Oops, I forgot I signed up for Sales Navigator and paid annually! I hope the entire advertising industry does not try and kill me before I can shut them all down too.

Reform delayed is revolution begun. I am a turner, I make things revolve, semper orbis volvitum. I am also a bit mental, so that makes me 'a mental turner, or not?'. That's a crossword clue for the Daily Telegraph. I don't really have to give the answer, unless this is the first post of mine you have seen, in which case read my previous post. No point posting the answer, because then no-one could actually use it for a crossword clue! Hardly any one has heard of ornamental turning, have they? It peaked 500 years ago with Parker's old box that is no longer on display at the V&A. Micro -rant at the V&A, that was my second favourite box in the V&A. It used to have it's own case in the most prominent position it could practically have. Favourite box was Dan Brush's little ivory and gold one. HaHaHA, I bought some fine gold plate and wire to have a go at gold granulation, but I haven't had the courage to get started yet! It was nice to see the original inspiration for that in Dresden in 2004, in the Green Vaults. Side track, within a side track. Needs some thought.

08:28 Late for normal routine. Interval required while I have some porridge and a long hot soak in the bath. Pity it can't possibly overflow, unless I filled it up t the plug and jumped in it to make a splash. Might break three ribs doing that, but worth it it for fun. I have have already broken five or six ribs doing stupid things.

08:33 New challenge to self. How many people in the world can I get to try and kill me for me having taken the mickey out them, before I finish them off myself. I haven't started yet, but I suspect that I am in the safest place I could be at the moment, because you cannot get to me unless I want to see you. I had to give permission for my parents to be even told where I was. People just disappear into PICU's and no-one actually knows where they are. I could be force moved to another PICU for writing this and not actually get there alive. Get the point. What do people do with points in the occult, hey.

08:38, Really, I must go back to normal routine, and have breakfast and a bath.

12:39, It is too difficult, somehow, to do my usual fencing stretches and exercises on Haloperidol, so just a few stretches will have to suffice.

11:04, It is very hard to get back to normal routine after a section. I'm gradually getting back into it. A long hot soak and a splash works wonders. Pity I missed a full English breakfast! I did that before at The George at Wath, near Ripon, I overslept and missed breakfast at a £100 a night B&B!

12:11, Just had a nice bowl of mushroom soup, and steak slice (reformed, unfortunately), sautéed potatoes, minted green beans, sweetcorn, and gravy. A modest portion, but just enough for me at the moment. I did not need a full English breakfast when I am 16kg overweight, due to having been on Haloperidol for 14 months, and spending most of that time in bed. However, I am still going to indulge in a massive bowl of rice pudding! I quite like it cold, so I will take my time to eat it. I have the best wifi connection in the dining room, and I wouldn't be allowed to take the spoon to my bedroom.

They count them every meal, like they would if they were made of gold plated solid silver. That was a real treat, Cdr, Craven! Pity I never got to drive in your old cars again, after you sold them to George Daniels. Prince Charles enjoyed riding with you when he was a lad.

01:45, 'Free Savchenko' worked, eventually. I don't want to be here as long as she was inside. At least she got out. A lot of people didn't get out of a gulag. Stalin needs to apologise. In person. Bit difficult, that!

Vladimir Vladimirovich needs to apologise to Nadiya Victorivna in person, in private first. So do a few high ranking Ukranians who helped keep her there, because she is a threat, politically. She should become President of the Ukraine.

Ha, I bet only she could get me out of here all by herself, but she'd have to borrow an old UK registered Sea King HAR 3A or something similar from the lads at RAF Linton-in-Louse, they could show her the ropes. I bet hiring one for three hours wouldn't break my budget for wasting tax-payers money! It would only need to hover for three or four minutes to lower a winch, I could re-land 100m away and climb in. Same prize to any of them – It's a race!

The Army couldn't get me out, without four cat ladders. The Wimpy builders across the field could do that, but they would all get arrested. It would only take 5 hours to put up enough scaffolding, but even putting in place four cat ladders might take too long before the corridor doors were all locked down.

Exactly how to get me out by air has already been described, in good enough military description for someone who can fly a helicopter and not read English road signs, because they are too far away, but can go on ariel visual data. I forgot to mention the three white and blue cement cisterns, 8metres high, that you could see from satellite, and are just by the motorway next to the bridge, and a pile of purple shipping container-sized portacabins, that could be seen from 100km on a sunny day or 5km on a rainy day. She should check out my prayer journal, by my bed, and the entry two months before she was released. A bit of a slow response, God! I hope Nadiya Victorivna looks after herself and doesn't need to hunger strike ever again!

Prize just to her if she gets me out, all by herself. A Jaeger LeCoultre Calibre 470/1 RAF issue 1943. One of the smartest, most accurate navigator/pilot's watches ever made. The dial doesn't glow in the dark, it doesn't need to - you can read the dial in a glimmer, or a cigarette end. You're not likely to get shot by a sniper in cockpit at 12,000 metres! You can only see a fag end from two miles on a clear night, not eight or ten. It is still more accurate than any digital watch or clock I have had. What is the use of a radio control clock if it resets itself in the early hours, you do not know what the time is for a few miles! I cannot keep it wound up, and obviously would not want it brought here, it is not shock proof.

To keep. I can afford another one, or three! I wish I had bought two more when I saw them in Hatton Gardens in 1990 at £50 each! Mine was £100! Fully marked 6B/etc on the back. I'd give you the serial numbers, if the watch wasn't at home, unwound. It will give it a nice rest. It does not need a rest, it just needs winding up, just about 10joules of finger work! To tell the time for 52 hours. I often wonder whose it was, might research that when I get out. It could do with being brought to time in five positions, but even George Daniels couldn't do that for me! He would have had to borrow the jigs from the factory.

Also, Fourteen grams of 24 carat gold. In a nice neat square, aka John Ruskin, style. Bought in 1999. HaHaHA, gold went up five times after I bought some. I figured one day it would get to $10,000 a gram.

Now, any Muslim know what the dhimma (life tax) is for a Christian, hey? If she doesn't get the prize, then the gold is fair game to a Christian muslim who can get me out, so they can give the gold to pay for someone else's life.

This would make another post some time, 'Offering dhimma with Blundell's gold'. How about a new fashion accessory - a necklace of 14grams of fine gold.

I do not have my prayer journal here, why not? Why have I not been able to pray properly in my house, Mr P. Stainton, deceased? or at all in a PICU? Except at night, just now! I am mostly talking to myself in tongues, maybe in Ancient Egyptian, who knows! Guess, why? The night duty manager is a Christian, and none of the other staff or doctors are here! It is perfectly quiet and peaceful, no-one is messing around, most patients are in bed except for three of us who cannot sleep at all because of the medications we are given that do not suit us at all. Even the guy who said three days ago that he didn't want to go to heaven because he wanted to meet the devil, said yes, when I just asked him if he loved Jesus. Another lad, who earlier was stamping and shouting and playing loud music too late on his iPad, and who said no, when asked the same question, when just asked, do you love Jesus yet, was silent and the said , I don't know who he is.

{That is the main problem in the UK. ENGLAND IN 2017! & Do you really know how old All Hallows (Barking by the Tower) actually is? And how long a house church of sorts has actually been on the same sight as the Chancel? Christmas day 237AD. Sorry, I digress - just making that bit up to fit in with a story I'm writing about the Battle of Legnica, 1241AD. I am trying to write a fairly lucid post to contrast with the DWP medical assessment form I just filled in in a bad mood! HaHaHA, I am just taking the p***. I AM so far beyond you all that Stephen Copestake has nothing at all to do with anything he has ever done, or damn well should have done by now.}

I'm a bit resentful that I did not get to last night's (28th April 2017) Royal Geographical Society lecture in Kendal, Images from a Warming Planet, by Ashley Cooper. I hope he's written a book, I'll have to buy that instead. I've missed loads of their lectures by not being able to get to meetings, either by being in a PICU, or subsequently by not being allowed to drive, so I can't get anywhere. I'll have to find some one to go on my car insurance and drive me around.

I've sussed that it was not my internet connection that was cut off, it is just that my window, where I use my laptop has a heavy metal grill around it which sometimes blocks my signal. Now, I can usually get back to normal on six and a half hours sleep, even after travelling and getting no sleep for 72 hours. I once went ten days without sleep, standing and praying, with a glass of water in my right hand and an oatcake in my left hand. I tended to forget to drink or eat, but I figured if I dropped the glass of water it was time to give up and quit. I didn't drop it. This was last lent, after my sleep apnoea 'event', and before I got myself sectioned. The haloperidol depot from two days ago is levelling off, but it is lipid soluble, so will stay in my body a long time, like thirty days, or maybe it will be years of taking Vitamin E 1000IU and drinking cod liver oil again. Of Course! That is why I have been denied vitamins, for five weeks, to run my health down, so the Haloperidol does more damage blocking my brain receptors.

This is in lieu of a blog, as I do not have the IT skills to set one up. Anyone want to visit me and help me set one up? What if Nadiya Savchenko had had a laptop and wifi and unlimited internet, and no censorship of what she wrote? 'Free Savchenko' worked, eventually. I don't want to be here as long as she was inside. Putin needs to apologise.

Now, as an aside, at the risk of actually getting killed, the problem with Putin may the same as the one Hitler had, and possibly Stalin. He is the same calibre, but has more restraint and moral integrity. It may just be to do with blood types. Hitler was an 'A' blood type, and 'A' blood types seems to develop psychological problems when they are at the very top politically as they feel isolated and get paranoid. It should be an international rule that no-one can retain power for more than ten years, i.e., two five year terms. Less than five years in office is a waste of time, and more than ten years in power for one individual is too long, and a third term of power seems to go sour. Vladimir Putin's biggest problem is that he is independent and won't tow the line with the West's crazy ideas about a New World Order.

If he was a Christian, and his country became Christian, then Russia could rule the world, but they would have to stop drinking so much vodka, it is weakening the generations, so it would take a few generations to build things up. When China becomes a Christian country, it will rule the world. The sooner the better.

(HaHaHA, that is just part of a plot out of my story about the Battle of Legnica - Kadan backed off and decided to do a more thorough job of conquering the world in 800 years time, with the help of a Templar knight whom he didn't actually kill, but whose right ear he cut off to count as dead.)


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