forced to
Mechanical Engineer at federal ministry of Transport Nigeria
Christian life that will produce results has two major aspects. Conduct compliance to faith in Christ (Phil. 1:27); and taking hold of the promises of faith in Christ (2 Cor. 7:1). It is honourable for someone to quit unworthy life than for its consequences to force an individual out. It is also not good to allow anti-faith forces to pull someone to quit. An individual has to resolve to stay for good. It requires firm resolution on the part of believer to take hold of what God has packaged for him or her in Christ.
Zacchaeus resolved to quit life of cheating (Lk. 19:8); but it was greed that eliminated Judas despite that he stayed with the Lord for years (Matt. 27:3,5). Greed is still eliminating many today including Christians. A woman caught in adultery quitted immorality having encountered the Lord Jesus (Jn. 8:11). Whereas, many today will not quit fornication, adultery, drinking and other vices until diseases and death force them out. It is honourable to surrender unworthy conducts to Lord in exchange for better heritage. Do not allow consequences of bad conducts to force you out!
Bartimaeus did not stop shouting to the Lord for solution despite the crowds. He attracted the Lord’s attention and his problem was solved (Mk. 10:46-52). The Canaanite woman from Syria resolved to get solution for her daughter from Jesus even when the disciples wanted her to leave. She refused to go until the Lord granted her request (Matt. 15:21-28). You have to resolve to stay to get your blessing package delivered to you. Do not quit your marriage. Do not quit your job or business. Do not quit serving the Lord. The challenges are signals of better things. The best will get to you if you resolve to stay.
I will live life worthy of Christ and tenaciously hold to my blessings in Him. I will always evaluate my conduct and give up unworthy conduct to the Lord. I will conquer anti-faith forces. I will conquer diseases. I will conquer darkness. I will conquer evils of my time. Nothing will force to quit fulfilling destiny in God. I will always exchange my weaknesses for the strength of the Lord. I will renew my mind with His word. I will avoid contamination of the world as much as possible.
Remain Blessed.
Yode Ogunmola (Revd).