Force Theory Of Origin Of State
The Statement of the Theory.

Force Theory Of Origin Of State

The Statement of the Theory. Force Theory of origin of the state is another fallacious theory, but historically important, which is offered as an explanation of the State’s origin and meaning. There is an old saying that war begets the king, and true to this maxim, the theory of Force emphasizes the origin of the State in the subordination of the weak to the strong. The theory advocates argue that man, apart from being a social animal, is bellicose by nature. There is also a lust for power in him. Both these desires prompt him to exhibit his strength, and in the early stages of the development of humanity, a person physically stronger than the rest captured and enslaved the weak. He collected in this way a band of followers, fought with others, and subjugated the weak.

Force Theory Of Origin Of State

Having increased his followers’ number, over whom he exercised undisputed authority, he became a tribal chief. A clan fought against a clan and a tribe against a tribe. The powerful conquered the weak. This conquest and domination process continued till the Victorious tribe secured control over a definite territory of a considerable size under the sway of its tribal chief, who proclaimed himself the King. Leacock gives a matter of fact explanation of the Force Theory when he says that historically it means that government is the outcome of human aggression, that the beginnings of the State are to be sought in the capture and enslavement of man by man, in the conquest and subjugation of feebler tribes and generally speaking in the self-seeking domination acquired by superior physical force. The progressive growth from the tribe to the kingdom and kingdom to empire is a continuation of the same process. The theory in from tells us that the State is primarily the result of forcible subjugation through long-continued Warfare, among primitive groups and historically speaking, as Jenks says, “there is not the slightest difficulty in proving that all political communities of the modern type owe their existence to successful warfare.”

Once the State had been established, force, which had hitherto been utilized for subjugating others. It was used to maintain internal order and make it secure from any kind of external aggression. But this alone was not sufficient. Force was used as the sinews of war and power and a bid for superiority. One State fought against another, eliminating the weaker and only those who survived, which could not be conquered. No venture was made to conquer them as they were comparatively Powerful. Therefore, the theory of force traces the State’s origin and development to conquest and justices its authority, by the proposition that might is right.

The theory has, thus, four Implications. First, force is not only a historical factor. Still, it is the present essential feature of the State secondly, that the States were born of force only thirdly, that power is their justification and raison d’etre and, finally, that the maintenance and extension of power within and without is the sole aim of the State.

The theory is used in support of diverse purposes.

Different thinkers and writers have advanced the theory of Force for advocating their own point of view. It was first used by the Church Fathers in the medieval period to discredit the State and establish the Church’s supremacy. They claimed that the Church was divinely created, whereas the State was the outcome of brute force. Gregory VII wrote in 1080; “Which of us is ignorant that kings and lords have had their origin in those who, ignorant of God, by arrogance, rapine, perfidy, slaughter, by every crime which the devil agitating as the prince of the world, have continued to rule over their fellowmen with blind cupidity and intolerable presumption.”

In modern times the Individualists owned the theory to protect individual liberty against government encroachment. They characteristic the State as a necessary evil and argued that the State should leave the individual alone, laissez-faire, and should not interfere in what he does, except for the maintenance of internal peace and external security. The Individualists base their arguments on the principle of survival of the fittest and prove that only the strong who survive and the weak go to the wall. On the other hand, the Socialists hold that the State is the outcome of aggressive exploitation of the weaker by, the stronger, the latter constituting the propertied class who had ever staffed administration and directed the government’s machinery to their own benefit. The existing industrial organization system, it is maintained, hinges upon force because a part of the community has succeeded in defrauding their fellows of the just reward of their labor. They further argue that force is the origin of civil society. The government represents merely the coercive organization that tends to curb and exploit the working class to maintain the propertied class’s privileged position. Socialism’s theory is a revolt against the State, as it is the product of force and power is its justification and raison d etre. Karl Marx, accordingly, concluded that the State must ultimately ‘wither away.’

During recent times the theory of Force was a favorite theme of political philosophy with German writers. Imbued with the desire to make their country a Greater Germany, and at the peak of its glory, they lavished praise on force and considered its indiscriminate use as the most important factor for the nation’s solidarity. Treitschke said that “the State is the public power of offense and defense, the first task of which is the making of war and the administration of justice,” War, he said, consolidates a people, reveals to each individual his relative unimportant, causes factional hostilities to disappear, and intensifies patriotism and national idealism. “The grandeur of history,” he further maintained, “lies in the perpetual conflict of nations” and “the appeal to am will be valid until the end of history.” General Von Bernhardt held might as “the supreme right, and the arbitrament of war decides the dispute as to what is right. War gives a biologically just decision since the decision rests on the very nature of things.” Nietzsche preached the doctrine of the will to power and the superman.

The individual who can command the highest admiration, according to this doctrine, is the strong man who compels other men to act in fulfillment of his will. While glorifying man’s masterly virtues, Nietzsche says that a truly moral person has no place for the vulgar and slavish virtue of humility, self-sacrifice, pity, gentleness. Hitler and Mussolini put into real practice the doctrines of these writers. They regarded force as the normal means for maintaining a nation’s prestige, cultural influence, commercial supremacy in the world, and holding the allegiance of citizens at home. This general doctrine of political authoritarianism, both with Hitler and Mussolini, became a creed of dominance by intimidation militancy in international relations, and forcible suppression of political dissent in domestic government. Hitler and Mussolini pushed humanity into another World War, causing unprecedented misery, havoc, and destruction. The United Nations Organization was established after the War to save the succeeding generations from the scourge of war. Yet, there is no end to the war. There is a show of might everywhere and a never-ending race between all powers, big and small, to invent and manufacture deadly weapons of warfare, some to defend, others to offend.

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Jared N.

Maintenance Electrician at Northwest Hardwoods

5 个月

Fallacious? It's the one theory that's been proven day after day.



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