Forbes “New Ivies” Rewards Academic Excellence …Heralds Return of Merit to American Higher ED.

Forbes “New Ivies” Rewards Academic Excellence …Heralds Return of Merit to American Higher ED.

Kudos & Congrats to Forbes

….for confirming what we have known for a long long time

The Ancient Eight Ivies are for the most part a shabby representation of what they once were in their former reign of glory


Yet before we go "all in" here to celebrate this Watershed Moment


Let’s go back and assign a lion share of responsibility for the Old Ivies demise to Fortune 500 WOKE Recruiters who were a driving force in their demand for these universities to supply more “Identity Hirers” to meet the demand of the politically correct Diversity, Equity, Inclusive Programs


This is most definitely a Chicken and Egg Story that became the symbiotic relational dynamic that fed upon itself.

As I write all too often how disappointing the empowered Leadership -Corporate Class is in American Society as these are people that have no convicted core values.

I’ve observed them for a half a century running head-long after the next shiny object that appears in their peripheral vision.


We find the slow death of Merit in Higher ED during the turn of the New Century as the Conservative American Intelligentsia is assaulted at every angle and forced out of these institutions

William F. Buckley death in 2008 and the arrival of Obama heralded yet another new shiny object that we jumped whole hog into

Yes …while I’m a supporter of all forms of inclusion and equity as I’ve spent my lifetime being marginalized by a system that does not like our tribe

…on the other hand you must be pragmatic and do everything with a sense of moderation

We jumped full throated into DEI and this became the new Pet Rock concept of the Elite Left as they most creatively produced the foundational story of the Oppression Narrative

Within ten years this Political Narrative became a University Cultural Initiative that placed all other considerations and standards as secondary

…lots and I means of lots of individuals that would have never made the “cut” now gained access into these elite spaces

They were never up for the task and yet they were a high priority initiative – Much Too Important to Fail ?

So we began the Race to the Bottom

…that at first was noticeable to few

….then more obvious


The solution was to create this “Black box Process” in which no one could evaluate any of the elements and standards of what was secretly going on inside

Proof is always in the Pudding and this low wattage future C-Suite leader that the ?Fortune 500 recruiter wanted... emerged ---they were a L & T Nightmare

Yet – this Too Important to Fail Initiative meant holding our nose to the stink and soldiering on

Far worse these dim imperfect light bulbs became the Administration in these Ivies that pushed their Identity Hirers into the Faculty position

Such a perfect storm

…and of course Trump is involved

As he became the accelerator narrative for the radicalization of the Higher Ed Culture that within the Black box, a dubious admission process, watered down curriculum, inflated the grade curve, turned a blind eye to massive plagiarism that were producing such an inferior product.

Far worse within the Oppression Narrative the revisionist historians and social Darwin experts that daily assailed Merit as the vestige of an evil White Patriarchal System of brutality and enslavement

An inbreed culture where students become grad students, doctorate and then on to become the professors ...never leaving the cloistered "encampment of Amen Corner Minds

Welcome to the Gaza Campus Protest Operating Environment

... an extended summer camp experience that lasts for a lifetime


Yes…Scranton Joe of course is also involved

These hallow spaces became one of the Golden Brand justifiers of Biden’s policies/ political initiatives and the juxtaposed contrasting Cultural Warriors used daily on the State Media Outlets

Like all things that are done in excess there are no limits and this consortium has quite literally gone off the rails into such a massive meltdown with such a mentally unstable – future legal liability employee product

Here’s the most critical part-----

That the Fortune 500 Recruiters that were the accelerant in this “Frankenstein Process” that has gone bad

…have now distanced themselves.

….for their Market Research smartly tells them that their customers have little to no confidence in these once Golden Ivy “Ancient Eight” Brands who are the last vestige of the WOKE Fever that has declined the quality of life for the majority of people that live in the country


What’s predictable about the affluent and powerful in American is how they are the exemplary image of the term-- Fair Weather Friends


So the Fortune Recruiters have a new marketing scheme for the distracted stressed American Public to buy ….Hook-Line & Sinker

Failed WOKE – DEI Uber Elite Crazies are out

… be replaced by their New & Improve Super-Talented more mentally stable peers at the former Second Rung Schools

These twenty schools listed are great places that worthily deserve this recognition.

Hmmm…But you forgot Northeastern in Boston – a real gem!!



Private Colleges


  • Boston College?(Massachusetts)
  • Carnegie Mellon University?(Pennsylvania)
  • Emory University?(Georgia)
  • Georgetown University?(District of Columbia)
  • Johns Hopkins University?(Maryland)
  • Northwestern University?(Illinois)
  • Rice University?(Texas)
  • University of Notre Dame?(Indiana)
  • University of Southern California

  • Vanderbilt University?(Tennessee)

Public Universities

  • Binghamton University?(New York)
  • Georgia Institute of Technology?(Georgia)?
  • University of Florida
  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • University of Maryland-College Park
  • University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  • University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  • University of Texas-Austin
  • University of Virginia
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison?(Wisconsin)


Its a great Cinderella Story that reminds me of AVIS Rent a Car’s brilliant 1966 marketing campaign

When they were # 2 in the industry some Madison Ave Madman came up


At AVIS …We Try Harder ????????????


This became AVIS’s iconic energy of their integrity, dedication, willingness to beat expectation and loyalty to their customer base

We are observing here is the long over looked Second Tier through the most American of all things their dedication to Quality, Excellence, Achievement and Merit rising to the top over these rotting, radical and morally repugnant once Top Dog Spaces

Lots of damage control at the Ancient Eight for sure as they gather in some configuration of a Kumbaya Circle toe-to-toe as they mutually gaze at their bellybuttons

The Bloom is Off the Rose

..for families who are looking to that societal elevator for their children the hard sell marketing is now a horse race par excellence between the New and Old Ivies

Its all about the ROI…

I first heard of the story from my excited daughter who is a Boston College MBA Alumnae in addition to her two other Masters in Economic and Public Health from Vanderbilt

We are so glad about the choice we made here as we had the intuitional perception that the former Ivies were on the downturn and these more normal conservative spaces were better places of Professional Formation and Relational Career Networking ??

They also were more congruent with cultures of her New England Boarding School and Small Ivy Women’s Private College

The many hundreds of thousands invested with this new branding shot-in-the-arm vastly increase her lifetime earning capacity and ability to creatively craft a rewarding career


The question you must ask yourself

…why in such a high-profile manner has the Fortune 500 distanced themselves from these once High and Mighty Brands?

Does such a huge public slight foretell a more conservative lurch that we could further see in November?

What I celebrate is rewarding Merit, who has long been under siege by the Wokesters, Radical Left and confused public that like sheep follow where they are led.

I hope that this is yet another sign that the WOKE Fever has broken and we can return back to the principles of Exceptionalism that will be the only means that we can reverse our rapidly declining society.

Akiza Brian

Founder & CEO Serv Chain | Asika Holdings Ltd

5 个月

I wish I can get an opportunity to study from a such historical institution that natured great men this this world


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