Foraging | Closer to Nature | ???? ????
Tourism & Business Advisor | Honorary Goodwill Ambassador | Chief Judge | Visiting Faculty | Food Columnist | PhD Candidate
For me foraging is being closer to nature and it is kind of act searching, gathering, and collecting food or other resources from the natural environment. It very seasonal and local , mostly organic wild, natural so there is all tick to be part of healthy life style
It is a fundamental activity that has been practiced by human beings and many other animal species for millions of years.
Foraging typically involves the identification and collection of wild plants, fruits, nuts, and roots, as well as hunting and fishing for wild animals and seafood.
Foraging is still part of every Nepalese life some how every. Nepalese like to have Niuro | Fiddle Head Fern , Tusa | Wild Nigalo Bambooshoot in season these farage still comes from wild. Every protected jungle as well leave open to public for few days with limitation ( sustainable manner ) and with certain charges to do foraging specially during Niuro and Tusa season, even Yarsa Gumba season.
Foraging has been an important means of survival for many human societies throughout history, and is still practiced today by some communities around the world. Foraging is also becoming increasingly popular in modern times, with many people seeking to reconnect with nature and to source food locally and sustainably.
I personally used to do for kind of lemon we used to call Bimiro, and few taro , Nepalese gooseberry called Amala, Taro , Sweat Potato, Hog Plum Lapsi and recently did wild curry leaves in Nepal and Nettle in UK.
Foraging requires knowledge of the local environment, as well as an understanding of the plants and animals that can be safely consumed.
It is important to ensure that foraging is done in a sustainable and responsible manner, to avoid over-harvesting and damaging the ecosystem.