Footsteps In the Sand

Footsteps In the Sand

Becoming Your Own VIP Mind, Body, and Soul

Episode: "Footsteps in the Sand" Streamed 4/18/22

Today I was thinking about a lot of things especially this last week... I want to title this footstep in the sand because if you've listened to my other podcasts, you know I've been on a journey .... we all have been ... and we haven't even known it. Before we thought it was just regular everyday life that we're going through ... but these choices that we make each day determine our destiny ... our path ... what can go right ... what can go wrong.

Add to the mix when you awaken to spirituality on a level that you've never even known or experienced due to whatever has happened within your life. At some point in time you have nowhere else to go but to seek God and you find as I mentioned all the little missing pieces within you being filled. Well as God fills you ... there's darkness that is to be released and you know it's not just a quick magic twist of a wand ... the wave of the wand.... I guess I should say that erases and cleans your slate ... you have to do that ... you have to overcome your heartache .... the negativity that your mind produces ... and the trauma that's been stored within your body .... how you've mishandled yourself ...... and how to come into loving yourself and again not in the outer world .... superficial ways ... but the inner world and reconnecting with yourself.

Coming home into yourself .... cleaning your house.... facing your demons ... no longer placing them in a closet and repressing them.... allowing them to emerge and to let them go .... to let go of those past shames and guilts, angers, resentments, fears, worries, doubts, and negativity that you play over and over again in your mind whether you're aware of it or not and again a lot of us are at some level which I've announced many times that subconscious level that we're hiding through negative behaviors that drowns out us needing to face those things.

So, I was thinking the other day, and I was thinking about trials and tribulations, and you know our good days and our bad days ... we all have them but whether you're on a healing journey...that you're knowingly on a healing journey .... or you're just going through your life.

Those times when we fall down and we gotta get back up and brush ourselves off, those times when sometimes we might be down for the count, or we feel like it ...... or maybe we're just down a little bit longer than what we have wanted ... and what it means to get back up no matter how many times we have gotten knocked down.

How many people really know how many times you've gotten knocked down .. those scars that go unseen because we're good at what we do...... putting a smile on our face and progress and move forward in life you know and to go forward not all the time do we address what made us fall down; instead we pushed that stuff down and we'll be like we'll deal with that later so that we could keep going you know we got bills to pay... we got families to take care of have your own things that you need to accomplish within yourself for your own goals...... and you push it down... and at some point it catches up with you and it trips you and you stumble and even if it's not something purposeful that you're falling down ..... sometimes like I said on a bad day could just be the energy of what's going on around you .... because we're all energetic beings.... we all pick up that energy and you know this is those are those days when I know I've looked back and seeing how far I've come, and you know in the Bible it talks about the wilderness you know after Moses had freed the Israelites from Egypt well the wilderness you know that's truly all something that we go internally into a wilderness .... it's a long journey and we're having to find our way.

Which is ironic because we have to find our way in life as well ... think about this, we grow up and the only playbook we have is someone telling us no, or OK, and/or the emotions that we have that tells us "Yeah I like this", or "no, I don't like this". There's no playbook... and for those that have children... ohh goodness; we already experienced that when we've had kids right ... there's not a near nobody who could tell us why our baby is crying nonstop at 2:00 AM in the morning ... we're just so tired you know and we're trying to figure it out and our baby can't tell us what's going on and we're having to figure this out and we're learning as we go ..... that's what life is.

Well, that's what you're healing journey is ... that's what spirituality is .... it's not going to just give you a playbook the Bible is there, but it is in parables, it is in a way that again if you have eyes to see; let them see... if you have the ears to hear; let them hear ... and the mystery is inside of you and if you've never even listened to yourself .... you're a mystery you don't know everything that you've allowed yourself not to see ... whether that is the good or the bad about yourself.

When that stuff comes to light you know the good, and great it's a blessing .... but it's kind of like driving a new car and trying to get accustomed to it and you wanna get a feel for it but when it comes to those things that you know you pushed away in that closet and all the stuff just comes pouring out .... it's sometimes good to be able to look back and see where you can come from .... because when you're so heavy in the that moment it may feel like you had not made any progress.... makes you feel a little lost .... feel a little stuck ... and now I'm not saying to necessarily look back to re-live it ... but just to see where you've come from.

You know I see a lot of maturity and growth within myself and I'm grateful for that ... a lot of things that I didn't know about myself that I do now know. Physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and financially I've learned ... I've grown ...I've matured, and I'm grateful for that .... but then sometimes there are these bad days .... heavy energy days is what I like to call it. You might feel like you're fighting, and you don't know what you're fighting ... you don't know why you're fighting .... you don't know why you feel so heavy, fatigued, or drained ... and I'm just being honest with you that these days may come.

It's really important to know you're not alone and I mean that spiritually as well as physically you're not alone ... and you know even if you really truly don't have anyone physically ... there are things that's out there to support you whether that's a good book, music, to uplift your spirits, prayer, meditation, exercise, joining a club, doing something that will get you to likeminded people , or podcasts that lifts your spirits. For me personally it was prayer because you know like I said every since this journey started it's prayer for me when I don't understand something.

When we move forward ... it's only with one foot, so when you got knocked down, when you're feeling heavy, or when you're feeling drained. I've recognized within myself so maybe this will relate to other people because hopefully all I'm sharing is everything that happens within me in prayer that it's going to help somebody else. Sometimes you just wanna lay down, you know curl up and watch a good movie or just go to sleep for a second just to regain your energy and regroup yourself ... and that's OK because that's self-care ... self-love (you listening to your body) but sometimes it makes you wanna stop too.

This is just being real .... because if you don't know why something's happening to you this is where that fight, flight, freeze moment comes .... you know there's a tendency that I freeze OK .... like legit those 3 words fight, flight, freeze is real .... and a healing journey doesn't mean like I said that your slate is clean ... but it does mean you become emotionally aware that you're doing it ... where before you may not have ... and now you're consciously saying OK like this is what that is right now OK .... I hit a little freeze ... your mind wants to be a little cloudy on you ... your judgment might be a little shaken ... you might have lost a little confidence .... and I literally have to remind myself ... just take a step.

There are these pictures when you see in the Bible and spiritual scriptures about the footsteps and how God's walking right alongside you ... he is .... because like I said he's within us... and it's about having faith on the journey that no matter what .... when you get knocked back down .... he is helping lift you back up ... and that prayer helps you to stay in that connection to meditation but also you are taking that step forward anyway ... not giving up ... knowing that whatever is going to happen I'm going to be OK.

When I first started this journey that's exactly what I had to do .... get up and exercise when I didn't want to exercise; all these things that you know will help you, slowly changing your diet to healthy meals and portion sizes ... removing TV .... removing these bad habits .... it just takes a step ... because that is again something that's very much so ingrained in you ... and it's a comfort .... it's something that you're used to while dealing with these things.... and so, if you're falling down .... you might want to fall right back on into your comfort zone.

That's again where your consciousness comes in ... where your awareness comes in exposing that's what you're doing ... and you catch yourself before you do it.... and that's good! Now you're putting your hands out and you're catching yourself before you full fledge fall on your face... that's beautiful .... and eventually it's just gonna be a little quick stumble that no one else sees and you're gonna have more pep in your step.

One day you might fall again, and you might have forgotten what it feels like to fall ... but that is one of those things we learn from keeps us humble keeps us aware of what tripped us up .... what decisions did we make ... you know what we could do better .... and yeah, get up ... brush yourself off ... and take that next step.

If you have to do a baby tiptoe forward go ahead ... but you don't have to do a big leap ... sometimes you do though .... and I can tell you those big leaps ... it's like taking your first step on a bridge if you scared of heights ... I was and so you know that's one of those moments you're like OK and it might be a little shaky .... it might be a little wobbly ... you might have to look straight ahead .... don't look around.

There's going to be challenges that you're going to face ... that you might be in freeze mode ... like I'm not taking that step ... I'm not ... I'm not ...and whether that is something you're currently going through .... I can tell you that I'm currently going through that... it's called change and make it change ... you have to take a step... or a leap and that could put you in that fight, flight, freeze mode.

That's one of those things why I wanted to make sure I got this out because in the end it comes down to faith and belief. You know my whole journey I had no idea what was going on but because of faith I'm like Lord OK, you got me .... don't let me go ... and then you just go ... and that is belief ...that is faith and it has worked out ... it really has.

The only hang up I could tell you was me that will stop anything ... and when you again ... go back to your past .... any forward movement that was for the betterment of yourself ... the only thing that ever stopped you was you.

People could say whatever they want but they didn't chain you down .... they didn't throw you in a cage and throw away the key ... it is you .... when you pick up something to drink .... when you picked up something to smoke .... or when you hung around the wrong people ... nobody forced you to .... when you said words that were hurtful nobody said not to ... you know when you do something and take a chance on something, and it turns out for the good ... no one told you to do that either.

People could make suggestions all day long and it could work out for you .... it could not work out for you .... but they didn't make you. Those are those blessings the blessings of positive blessings or negative lessons ... but it's a blessing because you learned. Through your trials and tribulations ... through your life .... through your journey ... you're gonna be asked to take a step to take a leap and Yep in the end depending on if you made wise choices or rash decisions it could come out as a positive or negative blessing.

God might be showing you the way but if you don't do it or if you do so unwisely ... not fully educating yourself on it ... there could be some type of failure involved but you're gonna learn and that just helps you grow.

We grow through our challenges while everything is copacetic and happy, and all is well in life .... we don't grow as much as we would the minute something happens that's bad .... that we're all now shuffling to get ourselves out of ... whether that is to help a family member .... help ourselves .... whatever it maybe.

How many times did you perform miracles on a short notice / crisis going on in our lives... in our families' lives ...we can do that, and you can do that for real in your own life too but you're going to be called upon to make choices .... to make changes that do stretch you ... that requires much of you, and this is one of those times for faith and to pray for guidance ... for council ... for wisdom .... and self-development in whatever that leap of faith is going to be in. Take the time to educate yourself the best way you possibly can so you can move forward with grace ... that you can take those steps so that you can just do what you can every single day ... as long as it's moving forward.

That again is something that I've had to do ... all of us had to do our entire lives and didn't realize it .... but once you come into knowledge what would be required of you because it's about growth.... your spiritual .... your physical ... your mental ... your emotional .... social .... financial.... intellectual growth in all aspects of your life.

You've already been asked of it .... you just weren't consciously aware of it .... and if you ever look back ... look at your key fundamentals of your life and think about how you are rated upon your life and how your life reflected your success or your failure in it.

You may not have known you were being scored but the tally marks were being marked and your life shows your successes and your failures. Hopefully you can also look back and say what you've learned from it and again if you ever blamed somebody, I'm just going to ask you to take the blame away ... look at the situation ... and see how you were accountable ... and how you can do better, because life is a mirror reflection of what's going on within you.

That's one of the reasons why these stretching's come, it's one of the only ways we're going to be able to grow our spirit. Earth is a school and we're to learn ... and as we learn as we grow ... as we're successful ...we graduate... we're going to be required to stretch a little bit more to keep going ... you're going to be required to stretch a little more the same as we were in school.

When we started in kindergarten and preschool, we had our teachers right by our side watching us all the time but as we got older and older we weren't guided as much from our teachers anymore ... were we; right? We had tutors eventually or we just didn't have those teachers holding us accountable for certain things.

Even as we grow up to be adults it's not our parents that can .... even though they try .... they may not be able to say as much anymore. It comes down to you because now you're in a period of your own stretching ...from a child ... to middle age ... teenage years... and up to a young adult ... to a middle-aged adult ... and going all the way up the ladder... you're being stretched with every area of your life .... with every transition in your life from a child to maybe your first marriage .... or as a parent ... or friends ... your career .... every time you step through an open door .... a new path in your life .... you are evolving .... you're growing and that stretching is very uncomfortable .... could be a little scary ... and nerve wracking.

It helps to look back at those footsteps in the sand behind you to see how far you've come and again to know you're not alone, and the journey has quite a story .... quite a story to tell. I pray that you all as you grow ... as you learn in whichever stretch of your life that you're in ... that no matter how heavy the energies feel .... no matter how much the weight is upon you ... no matter if you fell on your face, or you caught yourself in order to get up and brush yourself off and you kept going.... I just want to say congratulations!

Give yourself a high 5 ... seriously .... go to the mirror give yourself a high 5! Mel Robbins; if you guys don't know about her ... she has this thing where she does that. I always tell people to hug themselves because that's straight up true .... you need to hug yourself ... it feels good and in case you haven't heard about hugging a tree that feels good too!

So, there's things that you just come out the box and educate yourself on it understand what it means but just try it .... because so many times that we need a hug, and we don't always get a hug at that moment we want it ... or not at all. We don't get a high five unless we're playing sports or something and you weren't never a sports player you may not even know what it feels like to have a high five ... if you've not been in a situation to do it. High 5 yourself ... go to the mirror and cheerlead yourself up .... do what you have to do to get yourself back into high spirits.

They say sleep does help reset you so if you do the intake a quick little nap ... take your little nap .... get back up but remember how far you've come and congratulate yourself, and keep moving forward ... keep your faith ... keep your belief ... pray ... extend your gratitude ... be of service and I wish you all success in all aspects of your life and I hope this has helped someone because I know if I go through these things ... if I've went through these through these things ... someone's just about to start ... or someone's going through it right now ... or you've already been through it and you know what I mean.


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