Footprints for Life
At the culmination of this existence, the sole remnants we shall carry are our "Footprints."
Not our physical bodies,
Not our worldly possessions,
Not our burdens and worries,
Not our offspring,
Not even our beloved pets.
All we shall bear are the memories, transmuted into emotions, etched into our hearts, and encoded within heaven's software.
We will simply take with us the feelings, those borne from our life experiences. They will exude the essence of life, akin to the taste of chocolate and the fragrance of cherished moments. These feelings will be encrypted deep within our very being, an inseparable part of us.
One day, my child of God, you will comprehend my aspirations for you and the reason your life became ensnared in the notion of a "normal life." You toiled diligently to secure a livelihood and fit into the routine of the masses. Yet, concurrently, you seemed as if you were merely existing, navigating life on autopilot, devoid of purpose. I must confess, my Son of God, it took me far too long to recognize my blunder. I too felt lifeless within, unbeknownst to me, as you observed.
Problem after problem, drama after drama, I knew this was not the dream with which I embarked. Neither were you. I pledged to lead you to a place where we could craft joyful memories. I presented the solution, and you embraced the challenge. You made the choice, sought assistance, and something within me, within you, underwent a transformation. Your mindset evolved, enabling you to perceive anew.
I must caution you, the transformation was not instantaneous. I traversed the journey, did the labor, oscillated between progress and regress. I could not accomplish it alone. I scoured every corner until I encountered remarkable souls who inspired me, imparted wisdom, and spurred me onward along the path ordained by God.
And now, I am content, blessed, and deeply cherish my family and life, as well as all of you.
I persist in seeking assistance, just as you do.
I continue to acquire new knowledge, as do you.
I persist in crafting more of what I desire, mirroring your journey.
I persist in nurturing my mindset, body, and emotions, much like you.
For I shall never cease to truly live, and neither should you.