The footprint we can't cover
Let's be more mindful of these potentially permanent footprints #Adlerpaper #paperindustry #paperrecycling #Ideas #SayNoToPlastic #StartSmallForBigImpact #Thoughts #endplasticpollution #endplasticwaste #carbonfootprint

The footprint we can't cover

We have all heard of climate change – the long terms changes in temperature and weather. A natural change that is accelerating rapidly because of human activities such as burning fossil fuels to generate power, deforestation, increased transportation and many more. The result is rising sea levels, melting glaciers, severe weather, and frequent calamities such as storms, drought and in extreme cases, wildfires too. ?

?Global warming is a part of climate change and refers to the heating of the Earth’s surface. This happens when carbon dioxide and methane emissions, along with other gases, get trapped within the Earth’s atmosphere. These gases are called greenhouse gases and the amount of these gases generated by an individual, organization, or a country is called a carbon footprint. ?

?A low carbon footprint means less CO2 - also known as “carbon negative.” The top three carbon-negative countries are Bhutan, Suriname and Panama while the countries with the highest carbon emissions are China, the United States and India. Let’s look locally, at individual actions that cause a higher carbon footprint and ways we can bring that down to acceptable levels. ?

?In India, individuals produce 1.9 tons of CO2 per capita, annually. We are still under acceptable levels - 2.0 tons of CO2. But, we can definitely do better if we follow these simple steps:-?

  1. ?Use public transport – Cars not only emit CO2 but other gases that are harmful to the environment and people. Try to use public transport and if your destination is closer, walk over. It's a win-win situation for the planet and your body. ?
  2. ?Turn off the lights and fix the taps – Switch off electronic devices when not in use and switch off the lights and fans before leaving your room. We often overlook leaks but even the smallest leak can lead to an annual waste of nearly 38,000 liters of water. ?
  3. ?Plants at home – They may not have a significant positive impact on the environment, but, they will at home by removing toxins from the air. Also, a green household is calming as it reduces stress levels. Besides, home gardening is fun. ?
  4. ?Reduce the use of disposable items – When you go shopping, carry your own bags with you rather than asking for one each time. We can do the same while ordering food and asking for disposable cutlery to not be included with your order. Additionally, use reusable water bottles instead of disposable ones – they’re safe and economic. ?

?So, let’s get started. Reducing our carbon footprint is crucial and the aforementioned steps are simple and practical. We need to be mindful of our energy consumption - you’ll get a smaller water and electricity bill! On a serious note, it’s not just about our planet anymore – it’s about our life and our future.??


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