Footprint Recap
After re-calculating all of my footprint totals from the start of the quarter, I noticed slight changes in all of them.
When looking at my water footprint I noticed that it decreased by 400 gallons of water per day for my personal use. My original water footprint for personal use was 2,063 gallons a day. I believe the reason why my total for this specific footprint decreased by such a big amount is that I decided to wash all my dishes by hand as well as reduce the amount of time I'm in the shower. Even though I reduced my time in the shower, I wasn't able to match my goal of being under 5 minutes, but I will still continue to strive to reduce the amount of water I use in everyday activities.
For my plastic footprint, there was also a noticeable change. My original footprint was 67 lbs a year. I do believe the footprint calculations changed so it might be slightly skewed, but the actions I have personally taken are the main reasons why my footprint has been reduced. The biggest change that I have made in my lifestyle is reducing the number of times I would go out and eat. This is the main factor behind my usage of plastic utensils, disposable containers, and packaging. I hope to continue the actions that I have committed to because it helps save me money as well as help the environment as a whole.
Moving forward to my carbon footprint I, unfortunately, noticed that there was an increase in my carbon intake. My original footprint was 26 tons a year and taking the footprint now it has increased to 40. I believe I may have not completely calculated everything, but I still acknowledge that I have made some actions that have made my carbon intake increase. The biggest thing is that I have multiple fitness goals which lead to a heavy increase in the amount of consumption of food each day. I, unfortunately, didn't meet my goal of a reduction in my footprint with the amount of meat I consume which also ties into the failing one of my reduction goals of the amount of meat I consume daily. However, I will be able to be back on track and focus on the practices in the next coming months due to my fitness goals of eating less in total, including meat.
The last footprint that I would like to talk about is my ecological footprint.
When comparing the two footprints from the beginning and end of the quarter. My footprint is very similar between the two. My original total was 6.9% Ecological Footprint (global hectares or gha), 10.2% Carbon Footprint (CO2 emissions in tons per year), then 51% for my carbon footprint (% of your total Ecological Footprint). As for my totals now my ecological footprint is 4.1, my carbon footprint was 6.2, and 53%. I do believe my efforts have helped in my footprints and I am glad to share that I have achieved one of my goals in carpooling nearly everywhere I go. Whenever I go to school or a meeting I always give other people a ride or carpool with someone, and I do plan on continuing this practice while at Western as well as whenever I plan an event with friends and family.