Football part 2
Noel Flannery
I am a performance mindset coach with sports stars and CEO's. Transforming their performance in every area of life.
Football part 2
Picture any club going into a big game,
The club in question is bottom of the league and there playing the top of the league club.
As a team the bottom club how do you think they are feeling about that game?
More than likely they don’t feel too good about.. Why would they?
There having a terrible season and there up against a team that can seemingly do no wrong?
And most of the players despite saying we have a chance here they don’t deep down believe that.
The team will get, as we all do every day exactly what we think about..
We become what we are, not what we want.
The players may want to win but wanting does us no good only what we believe deep down thats what will expand into reality.
Thoughts become things..
And there is no avoiding that…
So why not take the same situation and word it differently..
ask some questions about it..
Q Is it impossible to win this game?.. A.. Of corse not
Q Who’s got the most to lose from this game?.. A ..The other team not you..
Q Who are we as a team are we going to cower and hide ? A Of corse not
What sense does it make to give the issue the energy and Focus?
Why instead of looking at the problems imagine/ think on how it would feel to walk away from this match with points on the board and the effect this would have on the teams moral?
Thoughts become things..
The team/player who says they can’t and the team who says they can will both usually be right.
It never feels good to focus on issues and from that comes more of the same.
We attract more of what we think about..
Think/ imagine success and you get that in relation to the attention you give that thought..