Football part 1

A New sport to my teachings is Football..

  But like ive said to coaches recently im not here to teach the players Football skills thats your job and they wont learn any skills from me because im awful could not score in empty goal.

 My job’s to teach skills to the individual and teams to get the best out of them selves..

Our best stuff is already in us, but what we all do on a daily basis is unwittingly work out a way to cover it up and keep it hidden..

 It can for many players rarely come out, think on it as a player you’ve all had the experience out there on the pitch where you could do no wrong, you could run rings round anyone and score at will..

It was effortless, easy all players have been there..

When on these days of peak performance or the Zone if you like you where using all your good stuff that was in you, you stopped covering it up.

 You had stopped over thinking, you where acting on instinct if you like.

You have simplistically two sides of your brain,

1/ Conscious mind where all the thoughts your aware you are having come from..

This simply is your dumb side of your brain.

2/ Subconscious mind where all the thoughts you don’t know your having take place,

such as many of your body controls, heart being fired, breathing, cell redevelopment control..simple tasks we do easily like walking etc etc etc etc etc 

And us operating at our best in any task also comes from here..

This simply is your astonishingly clever side of your brain.

Its where all your good stuff resides here is a place of no mistakes, everything flows,

effortless its self.

Picture each side of the brain in your head as a calculator on one side and 

a super computer on the other.

Think on it on player interviews post match how often do you hear from players who have an out standing game talk about how easy it was out there? Effortless.

Its because it literally was effortless as there powerful Subconscious mind had this and the player was letting go not thinking from his or her dumb side of her brain run things but letting there clever brain or super computer take care of things..

When a player has bad game or makes errors this comes from using your dumb calculator side of your brain.

So many Elite sportsmen fail to see the defining factor between winning and losing.

Its the mind or rather your state of mind and having the skills to monitor the space you are in

(our feelings) and act on that.

Would it not make more sense for any elite sportsmen to match there skill sets with there mind with those exceptional skill they have on the pitch?

With time I can show players/teams how they can achieve this.



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