Foot Worm
This exercise is taken from my online foot programme, Foot Pain, Foot Drivers ( and is part of the Stabilise series, where you gain control of the intrinsic muscles of the foot. The model is Tashi, a student and dancer who joined me on work experience.
Sit on a mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Raise your toes, and then deliberately and slowly roll your feet back down to the floor, making them as long and as relaxed as you can, so that your toes reach as far away from your heels as you can get them. Flatten your arch as much as possible.
Once your toes are on the floor, let your heels come up high, and form the arch down the inside of your foot. This time scrunch up your feet so that when your heel lands, it’s as close as possible to your toes.
Once you’ve wormed your foot as far forward as you can, reverse the process – so, place your toe down, and then fan from toe to heel (so that your heel slides backwards towards your bottom); then lift your toe to form the arch, so that when you put the toe back down, it’s closer to your bottom than it was before, and you worm your foot back in towards you.
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