Once upon a time on April 14 1865 The most loved American President in history was shot at the back of the head by the most famous actor in the world John Wilkes Booth. The biggest fool in the world Just made history, He is the first person to ever assassinate a sitting president in office. Just like his life, he died a slow, painful and torturous death by a fatal shot at the back of the head at the hands of a U.S service man. Booth is a fool and a racist, he killed president Lincoln for fame , notoriety and to gain recognition from the confederate army, He also had a deep hatred for Abraham Lincoln he believed the liberation of slaves was a betrayal and the downfall of American Values and Society. He corwadly shot the president in front of his wife , friends and 1500 other people causing the American War cabinet to launch the largest man hunt in history. He spent weeks and months on the run .. He had a broken leg , no medicine and he was virtually homeless.Booth refused to surrender and he eventually died all alone on a dirty floor near a barnyard.