Fools Said, I.
Ronnie Ray Jenkins
Author--The Flowers of Reminiscence, The Flynn City Egg Man Series, The Flynn City Egg Man, A Flynn City Christmas.
Sometimes it takes the hit on the purse of peasants to awake them from their slumber. Tomatoes will rise in price by forty-percent. Fifty percent of the tomatoes used in the United States come from Mexico. The King today, puts a tariff on tomatoes from Mexico.
?2019 Ronnie Ray Jenkins
Fools said I, as the King walked by for they couldn’t throw tomatoes.
They cost too much, some peasants cried, we need them for the children.
My tariff plan is great you’ll see, the King said with false sincerity
The punished poor too blind to see clapped loud for their own stupidity
Fools said I, why can’t you see, past this growing fog of false prophecy
Where the lies are truth and the truth are lies beneath draped capes of hypocrisy
The peasants rallied when they heard his words of mockery and deception
Then when he spoke of refugees, someone yelled just shoot them.
They found those words spoken from the crowd comically amusing
They clapped and cheered to hear such words, their King was quite seducing.
Fools said I, toward empty eyes glazed over with seduction
But they answered not, and faced the King welcoming destruction
Of once what was, and shall not be, and once was said so eloquently
Words once spoke of happiness, and life, and the pursuit of liberty.
Across the river and in the fields tomatoes rot on withered vines
While the soulless King upon his silken sheets on a golden bed reclines.
Ronnie Ray Jenkins, a peasant writer.