Foods Value Proposition on Your Health
Food has a direct relationship in terms of what type of effect it has on our mental health and physical well-being. It can be the tool that fights inflammation, blood pressure, depression, and many other illnesses. Or it can be the fuel to your demise. I believe its a compelling subject to discuss.
Why and how did we get so disconnected from our food supply? When did artificial become the “new” official seed? What is it that makes our body react negatively to processed food vs farm fresh foods?
Ultimately, many parties are at fault for this epidemic. However, before we can point the finger we must hold ourselves accountable. What part did we help play in this? Could we have spent our money towards blackberries versus doritos? Every dollar we spend is data for retailers and manufacturers. This data influences them to produce more or sale more of whatever it is that makes them profitable.
Through my entrepreneurial journey, I have met with a lot of food enthusiasts who are passionate about bringing food to market that is rich in taste and resourceful in nutrients for consumers. I mean truly passionate people, that have true compassion for society and their consumers livelihood. I am grateful for meeting these individuals and more importantly, am honoured to have learn from such honourable people. One thing they all had in common was, the ideology that food to them was a source of energy that can be passed along from one person to the next. It's remarkable to see such a connection these people have to the food they grow and eat.
There are many businesses in the big trifecta (Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton) who are doing some spectacular things in contributing to a more sustainable, eco friendly, collaborative business atmosphere. My company, Rocket Delivery Services is one of them!
The moral of this is, Support those who support you, eat things that support you, and to stay motivated on eating healthier while raising your consciousness (support yourself).
“if its from the farm, probably good for you”
“if it does not spoil, probably not good for you”