“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”
Jill S. Brown
<Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness> Certified Functional Fitness, Nutrition & L2 Master Health Coach; Fat Loss over 40 Expert & Positive Aging Advocate ?? Content Creator
Nobody wants to think that our government doesn’t have our best interests in mind. But let’s be real. If they did, they wouldn’t allow unproven drugs and chemicals into our food and self care products. Actually there’s a lot of topics we could go into here, so feel free to put your 2 cents in, but I’m sticking to food, self care and cleaning products...
We know there is Roundup insecticide in our soybeans and corn that gets turned into livestock feed and cooking oil. (I heard about another product Monsanto is adding to seeds which also has not had long term testing). We know industrial farms give growth hormones and antibiotics to livestock they sell us to eat.
We know the chemicals in our face creams, lipstick, shampoos and cleaning products contain endocrine disrupters that can affect our hormone balance and lead to weight gain and other illnesses.
But all this is approved by the FDA. I know they have an overwhelming amount of work to do, but still, they are too lenient with big Agra and chemical companies who have massive lobbying budgets. Aren’t they supposed to protect us and not the big food companies??
They allow food packages to say “healthy” and “wholesome” and “Natural” when they’re really not, and mislead the public. And most of all, the food companies literally hire scientists to make packaged food addictive! (“You can’t eat just one”)
It’s crazy and everywhere we turn, we are bombarded with food and products that are slowly making us sicker and fatter. Most of these products by the way are banned in Europe. They don’t have to label things “Natural” or “organic” there because most everything is!