Food For Thought!
Janet Lau, RDN
Integrative Registered Dietitian and Holistic Coach on a mission to make healthy eating and lifestyle changes simple and sustainable. Refer to &
YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW THAT YOU DON'T KNOW IT. Say that 5 times over! We all have blind spots. Some of us prefer to stay in denial whereas others want to do the digging to get more understanding of the matter. For a vast majority of us, we have no clue that there is a world outside of what we are familiar with or grew up understanding. I grew up thinking that eating healthy means only eating tofu, brown rice, and lots of yucky greens. When you are ill, you'd have to see a doctor for everything. Exercising meant you have to lift weights and eventually turn into the Hulk. Yes, I watched a lot of cartoons that influenced my thoughts, (chuckle). Self-care, to me, meant eating sweet, salty, and greasy things. You could call it being naive or just that access to information and exposure to variety was limited within my bubble. I'm here to share with you, what I know now so that you too, can find your own path to wellness!
I didn't know there was a connection between eating poorly and feeling like sh** afterward and how that could manifest into other delayed ailments. I went to the doctor to find out what was wrong and all they could say was "go on a diet and drink more water". I didn't know to ask but assumed they meant tofu, brown rice and yucky veggies so hence to say that wasn't an option for me. I did start lifting weights but that bulked me up and though I felt strong, it didn't take away my feeling unwell.
Life slowly started to unravel as I left what I knew to welcome new experiences. I started to do the research on my own and was asking more questions about everything. Even when it meant I had to be challenging to find answers which aren't always going to be received well nor answers accepted readily. Additionally, I found out that I interpreted information differently at different stages of my life. Maybe it was growing pains and finding my voice in the process since leaving my health and happiness wasn't working in other people's hands. I needed to find solutions that worked for me and discovered that only I could gain that clarity for myself.
Oh boy, have I come full circle with patiently and mindfully listening, proactively participating, and intuitively taking the time to connect the dots. Taking initiative has been the only way that my choices have aligned with my values. Although there is a little part of me that wants other people to do the work for me, it has never worked out in my best interest though they had good intentions. I've always felt better making those decisions myself, researching for the doctors that best suit my needs and now finding the time to take care of me is paramount to my well-being.
To sum this up, I've had transformative results whereas before I needed to see doctors now I see them as part of my preventative care. I know that eating other varieties of food including vegetables is nutritious and tasty. Click here if you want a laugh re: "TASTY! ( Note: I actually do like vegetables and brown rice now with some added flavors. I am still on the fence about tofu! I understand that working out with weights helps to maintain muscle mass and bone health and I haven't turned into the Hulk. Additionally, I learned that it's not the only form of physical activity, lol. Lastly, self-care is essential in my routine to remain balanced and prevent burnout. Note: I've come a long way from my child-like thoughts of what self-care used to mean!
So the next time you feel that you aren't getting the answers that make sense or hearing words that don't empower or benefit your well-being, remember that there is always another way, another doctor or type of practitioner and perhaps a different approach to the problem that will better lead you towards health and happiness. In the end, the only person that is going to take care of you is you!
I would love to hear or connect with where you're at in this process. Feel free to share how you've evolved as well! I love a good tear-jerker with happy fairy tale endings outside of watching movies. Stop by or email me at [email protected] so we can get connected and plug in, if you are interested in a different approach to health and well-being, I'm here to help!