"The South African government calls a 21-day curfew, enforced by the police and military a “lockdown."

In fact, we are witnessing martial law and the nationalization of the economy.

People are panicking and spent much of yesterday's paycheck stocking up with alcohol and supplies.

The fear is palpable and there is an undercurrent of resentment by those who do not have what others have.

So, with time on my very clean hands, I have been reflecting on the global situation and have realized that what we are witnessing is a colossal failure of imagination.


Security professionals have long known about weapons of mass disruption--minimum casualties but maximum impact on the socio-economic fabric.

Unfortunately, their focus has been on cybercrime and the need to enhance the resilience of computer systems.

No one really considered the consequences of, or resilience of, a workforce struck by panic, quarantine and death.

So, although I am not an economist or a social scientist, I have practiced the craft of intelligence for several years. My job is to connect the dots.

Here goes:

1. During the Sino-Japanese War in the 1930s, the Japanese used its bio weapons of shingella and the plague against the Chinese.

This was not the first time that China had experienced the effects of bio weapons.

The British had used opium to great effect during the 1860s. Not a bio weapon specifically, but certainly a weapon of mass disruption which created more than 20 million addicts at the time.

2. After WW2, China started its industrialisation programme.

They also started a bio defence programme.

In 1985, they signed an international bio weapons treaty, confirming that they were now a fully-fledged manufacturer of bio weapons.

The Chinese insisted that such production was for defence purposes, although their programme was spread across more than 50 centres throughout the country.

3. In the 1990s, Chinese weapons sales took a dive because the Gulf War had demonstrated the superiority of US weaponry and technology. The Chinese looked at other weapons to fill the gap.

4. Soon, the Chinese started exporting their bio weapons technology to Iran and other pariah States in the Middle East.

5. In 2003, a coronavirus outbreak named SARS occurred in a province in Southern China.

A vaccine was found and the spread of the disease was controlled. The incident looks remarkably like a test case.

6. In 2005, following the Second Gulf War, genuine Intelligence reports indicated that China had transferred bio weapons technology to Iran and continued to do so until at least 2010.

7. In 2013, a coronavirus outbreak named MERS occurred in Iran, although the first case was recorded in neighbouring Saudi Arabia.

The disease was lethal and the true number of deaths was not released.

Interestingly, no figures about the rate of infection were broadcast to the world population.

Another controlled test case?

8. In 2019, a coronavirus outbreak named COVID occurred in another province in China.

The locations of both coronavirus outbreaks in China (2003 and 2019) were in places that had bio weapons labs called Institutes of Virology.

Apparently, the head of the Institute in Wuhan had spent a decade at the University of North Carolina studying the coronavirus.

9. The spread of COVID-19 in China was contained with a loss of life similar to the number of US deaths on 9/11.

Initially, reported infection rates were high, although no Victim X was ever identified.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world has followed the similar protocol of lock down (Wuhan has a population of 11 million) but extended it countrywide.

The economies of some of these countries are fragile and upheld largely by cheap Chinese imports.

Think of this as using Rohyphnol on a victim before raping them.

10. Consider that there are three types of warfare: conventional, asymmetrical and CBRN.

The Chinese could not take on the US using the first two and lacked the Chemical, Radiological and Nuclear (CRN) capabilities of the third option.

But it had the Biological capabilities.

Therefore, a reasonable conclusion is that China is waging a war against other economies using a weapon of mass disruption.

By understanding this, we can do more than wash our hands of the problem.

Next steps...

1. Send Chinese American intelligence agents back to China to find the smoking gun- proving intent.

2. Hostile takeover of all US firms with more than 20% Chinese equity.

3. Replace Chinese manufacturers with a beneficiation programme in Africa.

The continent has the land, the resources and a cost-effective community based workforce. Many local managers are English or French speaking.

4. Create a robust supply chain within Africa with shipments by sea and air to all points of the globe, except China.

5. Isolate China diplomatically and cancel all trade agreements. Force the country into isolation.

6. Repurpose a flu vaccine to restore public confidence, even if a placebo.

In other words, the US should retaliate economically and social media to be used to encourage people to stop panicking.

No one wants a population of beggars reaching out with really clean hands.

Keep safe, Sanitize and Weaponise."

Like I said, interesting food for thought.

Please make sure you are continuing to prepare for your family and that you’re stocking and re-stocking the supplies you need to keep safe.


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