Food is simply food. There is no such thing as fat loss foods.

Food is simply food. There is no such thing as fat loss foods.

Food is simply food. There is no such thing as fat loss foods. There are only foods that satiate & satisfy leading to effortless calorie reduction. I would also suggest being careful about classifying food as healthy or unhealthy. It irks my colleagues in natural medicine when I say this.

But what is healthy? A vegan thinks tofu & wheat grass is healthy. A primal eater puts bacon & eggs in that category. I know healthy people who eat at both extremes. I also know fat, tired & depressed ones. That’s what working with thousands of people will do; give perspective.

Here is another consideration. A food can be “unhealthy,” & help you eat healthier foods overall. I know people who will eat better & less at dinner by including some wine. I know others for who that same choice will end in a cheesecake coma.

So, while there are definitely healthy & unhealthy diets, we need to be a little more careful about labeling foods this way IMO. It is about using food in a way that works for your physiology, psychology & personal preferences.

I’m Italian American. Telling me to never eat pasta wont make me healthier & will make life more miserable. Extreme restriction with diet leads some to extreme binges later.

It’s the exposure principle. How are you to learn what works, or does not work, for you if you avoid everything Vicky The Vegetarian or Kyle The Keto Guy tells you to?

Think of food like people. You spend less time with people who annoy you, but should you avoid them completely? They can provide clues about your own personal growth. People can be beneficial in that respect.

Food is similar. You may indeed find some foods are best minimized or avoided altogether (ones you react to or make you eat worse). But how would you know if you assume they’re all bad? Some people may do fine on that food, thrive even. I know people for who salads lead to eating burgers & pizza. I also know those for who a few squares of chocolate lead to eating more salads.

Buying into gross generalizations about what is good or bad without your own experimentation is unhelpful for long-term success. #nextlevelhuman


