Food Security - A Fiction or Fact
Food Security

Food Security - A Fiction or Fact

Food Security is achieved and is possible to be implemented/achieved in every region on planet Earth !

This is an important shout-out, especially in these times when every other publication mentions about “Food Insecurity” and “Move to another planet for the upcoming generations to have a better life therein”

Earth was gifted to humans with enough and more resources, Are we misusing the resources and wasting them big time ?

Incase, we do not pause now and amend our wasteful ways of life, then any number of alternative planets will prove to be insufficient for our upcoming generations.

Food (Cooked/Raw) Wastage

We have read these statistics at some point in time, for sure ?

UN Environment Program Food Wastage Index Report :

·???????Global quantitative food waste per year is roughly 30% for cereals, 40-50% for root crops, fruits, and vegetables, 20% for oilseeds, meat and dairy plus 30% for fish

·???????1.3 billion tons of food is wasted annually

?Strange findings :

·???????Even if just one-fourth of the food currently lost or wasted globally could be saved, it would be enough to feed 870 million hungry people in the world.

·???????Google results state that there are only 820 million hungry people in this world

·???????Does that mean that prevention of food wastage alone is sufficient to address “World Hunger” and several other United Nations SDGs

?Contradiction :

·???????When prevention of food wastage is of paramount importance then why are there No laws pertaining to the same, in any country

·???????There are laws pertaining to almost every aspect of human life but the most significant human need or right which is “Food” is overlooked and put into a risk zone without appropriate laws in place


Such call-outs just achieve few likes & comments whereas the world at large remains truly occupied doing consistent food wastage

Suggestions :

According to the UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Food Waste Index Report 2021, 17% of global food production is wasted, with 43% of this waste coming from households, 26% from food service, and 12% from retail.

Required/ Suggested action for household wastage monitoring & control : There could be a law based on the trash thrown from individual household to set up penalties which would be proportionately increasing with the increase in food wastage done by the household

Required/ Suggested action for food service & retail food wastage control : There could be systems setup to detect near-expiry products and move them out ontime towards appropriate usage

?Food-ATM is Practising and “NOT” just preaching

·???????There might be several white papers/literature available about damages caused by food wastage

·???????Food-ATM has practically implemented a business model to support a social cause of “providing daily meals to the lower-income people” thru the prevention of food wastage.

·???????We source several near-expiry products from the markets on daily basis and utilize all of them for daily meals preparations. We surely get them at a lesser price than the regular products.

·???????Do we get exactly all the products that are useful for our menu-driven daily meals ?

o??The answer is “NO”, we do not always get all the essentials. We pay the regular cost for all the non near-expiry products.

·???????Then how do we manage to maintain the same price per meal for more than 3 years now, wherein the food cost inflations have been multifold ?

o??We change the menu regularly to accommodate whatever is available and affordable in the market. This not only keeps us going but also cheers the consumers since they get a good variety of cuisines to consume

??????·???????What if we get several near-expiry products which do not match with our menu-driven meals, in any ways?

In that situation, we become creative and include new items into the menu, here is how :

1.??????Use normal/regular corn flakes alongwith finely chopped tomatoes, onions, green chillies topped with tamarind syrup to make Chaat (snack)

2.??????Use empanada as roasted small roti/bread

3.??????Use oats alongwith cabbage, onions, green chillies cooked as filling into momos wrapped with baklawa pastry leaves

4.??????Use “granola” flakes alongwith Yoghurt as desert/sweet

5.??????Use long life milk alongwith any compatible syrup & basil seeds to make milk cold drink

6.??????Use excess cow-milk gowda cheese to make ghee which is a better substitute for cooking oil

… and the list can go on & on …

·???????Why fill lands when there are so many tummies to be filled ?

You would not find any hungry human who would ask for a specific cuisine to address their hunger. Clean good consumable food is all that is needed.

?Expansion plan for the region

“UN SDG#17 : Partnerships for the Goals” is the way forward

·???????Food-ATM has associated with several organizations now, for bringing on more items to the table, literally. More items like water, sweets, vegetables, meats, packaging materials, transportation support etc

·???????“Where there is a will, there certainly is a way out” – Feeding 1/3rd of the country’s population from our kitchens without any support would have been fiction but with support from several organizations who understand our cause and support, it has become a reality

·???????The same model is applicable globally, just that atleast one company in every region needs to think of supporting the lesser-privileged people and giving back to the society instead of calculating one’s own profit margins.


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