Prepare for the Unexpected:

An? Urgent Call to Action

Welcome to World Food Safety Day 2024 ! This year's theme, "Food Safety: Prepare for the Unexpected," could not have come at a more ironic time.

In a world where food safety is often a laughable afterthought, the World Health Organization (WHO) is urging us to brace ourselves for potential food safety incidents, big or small. Ah, the delicious unpredictability of modern life !

The Farce of Food Safety

Let's be honest: Food Safety is a bit of a running joke.

From salad greens masquerading as E. coli cultures to sushi rolls that double as mercury time bombs, our food supply chain has turned into a suspense thriller.

But don't worry, the great WHO assures us that with proper preparation, we can handle anything the food industry throws our way.

Or can We ?

As Consumers and Stakeholders,

We can take control of our food supply chains.

So we can Ensure our Food Safety.

Take, for example, the classic case of the undercooked burger. It's practically a rite of passage to endure a bout of food poisoning at least once in your life. After all, nothing builds character quite like a sudden, violent cleanse of your digestive system. But in all seriousness, the statistics are no joke: according to the great WHO itself,

an estimated 600 million people – nearly 1 in 10 worldwide – fall ill after eating contaminated food each year.

Of these, 420,000 die, including 125,000 children under five years old.

These figures starkly highlight the pressing need for robust food safety measures.

The Modern-Day Culinary Russian Roulette

Let's take a moment to appreciate the thrill of modern day dining.

E A T I N G O U T nowadays is like playing Russian roulette with your gut. Will you get a delicious meal or a night of feverish regret ?? It's a gamble we all take, and it's oddly exhilarating.

Remember the 2018 romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak in the United States ? A humble leafy green transformed into a deadly pathogen, causing 210 illnesses, 96 hospitalizations, and deaths across 36 states.

Or how about the salmonella outbreak linked to backyard poultry that sickened over 1,000 people in 2019 ?

These and hundreds of incidents remind us that the unexpected isn't just probable; it's inevitable.

Or should they ?

The Comedy of Errors in

Food Supply Chains

The food supply chain is a complex, multifaceted beast, a veritable comedy of errors. From farm to fork, every step is a potential pitfall.

Let's not forget the horse meat scandal of 2013, when European consumers unwittingly dined on lasagna that contained up to 100% horse meat instead of beef.

It's a classic example of how the food industry keeps us on our toes, blending mystery and surprise into our meals.

For which We Pay. Deadly at times.

In the face of such delightful unpredictability, the WHO's call to "prepare for the unexpected" seems almost quaint.

Wait a minute !

Does the great WHO knows something we do not ?

What about the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), that peddles recommendations such as which crops to grow, what is a healthy diet for a country and so on -? driven by interests of super corporations and their bottom lines.

But it's a call we must heed. The call to "Prepare for the Unexpected"

Contaminated food leads to a plethora of diseases, from diarrhea to cancer, and addressing this requires a Herculean effort from all stakeholders: governments, producers, and consumers alike.

The Corporate Conundrum: Profits Over People

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – the role of super corporations. These behemoths often prioritize profits over people, treating food safety as a cost to be minimized rather than a crucial responsibility. It's a familiar story: cutting corners to maximize profits, disregarding safety protocols to expedite production, and downplaying contamination issues to protect their brand image.

Take the infamous 2008 Chinese milk scandal, where several of the largest dairy companies were found guilty of adding melamine to milk products to falsify protein content.

The result ?

Over 300,000 victims, including infants who tragically died. These corporations’ reckless disregard for consumer safety underscores the dark side of our food industry.

The relentless pursuit of profit often leads to appalling lapses in food safety standards.

For instance, in 2019, the multinational giant, Kellogg’s had to recall its Honey Smacks cereal after it was linked to a salmonella outbreak that affected people across 36 states in the U.S. The incident raised serious questions about the corporate oversight and the true cost of cutting corners in food safety protocols.

Uplifting the Disenchanted:

A Call to Action

It's easy to be cynical about food safety, but let's not lose sight of the incredible progress that's possible. The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) has been instrumental in unifying food safety standards worldwide, ensuring that a loaf of bread in Berlin is as safe as one in Buenos Aires. And let's not forget the unsung heroes in lab coats who tirelessly test and retest our food, keeping most of us blissfully unaware of the pathogens that lurk just out of sight.

Take inspiration from the proactive measures being implemented across the globe. In Denmark, for instance, the government has established a comprehensive food safety strategy that includes everything from farm inspections to consumer education. As a result, Denmark boasts one of the lowest rates of foodborne illness in the world.

Similarly, Singapore's stringent food safety regulations and rigorous enforcement have made its food supply one of the safest globally.

The Future of Food Safety: Technology to the Rescue

In our quest to prepare for the unexpected, technology is our best ally. Innovations in food safety are revolutionizing the way we detect and respond to contamination. Blockchain technology, for instance, offers unprecedented transparency in the food supply chain, allowing us to trace a contaminated batch of spinach back to the exact farm it came from within seconds. This level of precision is invaluable in preventing widespread outbreaks.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another game-changer. AI-powered systems can monitor food production processes in real-time, identifying potential hazards before they become full-blown crises. From smart packaging that alerts consumers to spoiled products to drones that survey crops for signs of disease, the future of food safety is a high-tech marvel.

A Global Effort: The Role of International Cooperation

Food safety is a global issue that requires a global response.? A collective, responsible, collaborative, sustainable and cohesive movement without any hidden agendas,?around the world to strengthen countries' and communities w.r.t. food safety and food security systems.? From food production to distribution to oversight to consumption.

In a Responsible manner.

One of the inspiring examples of international cooperation is the Codex Alimentarius, a collection of internationally recognized standards, guidelines, and codes of practice. Established by the WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the Codex plays a crucial role in ensuring that food is safe and can be traded fairly across borders.

But, the key rests with the Consumers.

Meaning us. Yes, you and I and the rest like us.

As long as Consumers hold the rest of the supply chain accountable.

We, as Consumers,? can and must ensure that these multilateral agencies and organizations serve the people and their sustained? wellbeing vis-a-vis the world order whose backpockets? are the resting and operating places of such global organizations.

Wake up and take control of your lives my friends.

The Power of the Consumer

While governments and industries play a significant role in food safety, we cannot and? must not underestimate the power of the consumer. As the saying goes, knowledge is power. By staying informed about food safety practices and making smart choices, we can protect ourselves and our families from foodborne illnesses.

As consumers,

Support L O C A L FARMERS and PRODUCERS who adhere to high food safety standards. Buying local not only reduces the risk of contamination but also supports the local economy.

Additionally, practise good hygiene in the kitchen? –? such as washing hands and surfaces regularly, cooking meat to the right temperature, and storing food properly – can go a long way in preventing foodborne illnesses.


Embrace the Uncertainty with Preparedness

As we celebrate World Food Safety Day 2024, let's embrace the unexpected nature of food safety with a mix of humor and seriousness. Yes, the world of food safety is fraught with unpredictability, but it's also ripe with opportunity for innovation and improvement.

Prepare for the unexpected.

Turn food safety from a punchline into a pillar of public health.

Support ONLY those initiatives that protect and serve human beings' wellbeing.


At the same time, let us take proactive steps in our own lives to ensure that our food is safe to eat while holding the entire supply chain to standards we humans deserve.


here's to a future where

F O O D S A F E T Y is no longer a gamble but a guarantee.

Bon Appétit !


Sensei ? Raj

Transformation? and

Strategic Interventions .


- a capacity development and nation building movement



