No food diaries.
Recently I was talking to one of my clients, actually it was at a session where we discussed if the 1-2-1 option was going to work for him.
He is a diet pro so he asked if, since he had decided to sign up, if I would like him to keep a food diary before the 1st of the 12 sessions he would be signing up for. I said no. Why? Because what we would be working on would be why he ate what he ate and how the eating made him feel. His plan, like mine, would not ban any food. It would be a plan that included all foods, a plan where he decided how he balanced and managed what, and when, he ate. He decided what exercise he would do, how much and when.
This was a revolution to him, and he was concerned that he would not be up to the challenge because of his difficult relationship with food. I explained that I too have a complicated relationship with food and when I am happy, I eat, when I’m not happy, I eat. The difference was how I feel when I am eating. This is what I had to tackle when I started devising my plan. It’s about what is going on in my head, not what is going in my mouth.
So, no food diaries, daily plans may be involved, they keep me on track (For example if I’m going out for a meal I may keep the previous day’s food intake low. See: ), but they can be changed, I decide. This is not about following someone else’s plan, I’ve done that many, many times and I’ve always lost weight—and then put it all back on, plus a bit more to make up for being deprived of some foods. The process of making my plan was about making work for me, around my life, food likes, food loves, and exercising. So, your plan may not include much exercise, for all sorts of reasons, mine does. You may decide to have a low-calorie day or two or a monthly detox. The options are endless, and my clients decide what their plan looks like.
Would you like some help starting your weight loss story? Go to:? and download my?7 Stepping Stones to success.
Have fun, stay safe.