Food that destroys your day

Food that destroys your day

Last week as soon as I reached my office I started craving for breakfast. I knew there a fast food shop near my office building where I can have my breakfast.

Every morning as soon as I reached the office I used to eat from that same shop. And things became slow and my interest in my work started to fade out. Three days later I started to observe what was happening. After contemplating I understood that the unhealthy breakfast which I was consuming was actually grading my mental health, not letting me to think properly and perform logical and cognitive tasks. 

Even my gym schedule was seriously affected last week. 

So what was the reason???

I was going through some articles online and there I found that trans fats, also known as hydrogenated vegetable oils, can be found in frosting, snack foods, ready-made cakes and prepackaged cookies, are a problem. 

Studies have found that when people consume higher amounts of trans fats, they tend to have an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease, poorer memory, lower brain volume and cognitive decline. 

But let's keep the future predictions aside. 

One study of 38 women found that those who consumed more saturated fat relative to unsaturated fat performed worse on memory and recognition measures

Link to the above article:

Then from the fourth day, I started consuming my regular diet of Oatmeal with honey and some 2 boiled eggs followed by a strawberry with smoothey with chia seeds and things changed instantly. The effectiveness of both the breakfast was clearly visible. 

I could perform better in my work and I was active throughout the day. 

While doing some research on the internet I found that diets high in omega-3 fatty acids have been found to help protect against cognitive decline. Omega-3s increase the secretion of anti-inflammatory compounds in the brain and can have a protective effect, especially in older adults. 

Eating foods like fish, chia seeds, flax seeds and walnuts can increase the amount of Omega3 fats. 

The Bottomline is that your diet definitely has a big impact on your brain health. 

One of the best things you can do for your brain is to follow a diet rich in healthy, fresh whole foods and also schedule your day so that most of the plans are covered


