Debunking calorie theory! Food : The creator & Destroyer of Diseases!
Brand new health fads run over our minds at every turn. Though all these are backed by big corporations and promise big, our people are becoming increasingly sick.
Ever wondered what could be lacking in this world of advancing science... you know, you might have come across this idea, that sometimes we have to stop running outside to seek some answers and start to take a look inside.
Our understanding of human body and how it processes food holds the power to reverse chronic/age old diseases.?
Food, we eat, along with providing the nutrients, affects the functioning of our bodies.
In this article, we'll debunk the myths about calorie theory and reveal that our bodies aren't run by energy we gain from calories in food, it is a requirement that our bodies need to perform all the works inside, but what runs our bodies is not derived from food directly!?
By the end of this article, you'll have a solid idea about how your food can both lead to diseases and reverse your diseases!?
Human body is a vehicle that we don't own, because if we did, it would never have anything we don't want in it. It is owned by a life force that continuously works to maintain all the internal activities in sound state, and one such activity is internal cleaning.?
It gets a packet of energy daily, to perform all these tasks, from the energy reservoir.?This reservoir's capacity and functioning varies from individual to individual based on their health level, which includes their physical activity, their mental state, their diets and a lot more subtle factors, which we can figure out if we observe closely and individually.
Now calorie theory fixes a particular number we need to consume daily in order to be able to perform our human chores, but if that was the case, wouldn't all well fed people be energetic and vibrant throughout the day, never getting tired??
Well, that is certainly not the case. A recent health research study clearly concluded more than 7 out of every 10 individuals surveyed felt fatigued and lethargic. And 97% of these had reduced cognitive performance.*
The results you just read are from a population of young & healthy individuals with a common normal life like the most of us, working in offices as employees, bosses or as owners of businesses.?
And these individuals had more than sufficient to spend on food so these lads had more than adequate calorie consumption!?
Calorie theory is based on calorimetry, in which energy or heat released upon combustion of a particular substance is measured.
Need not explain, Human bodies are far more complex than a calorimeter, because we all are different, one does muscular work, other leads a sedentary life, so internal conditions that affect digestion, absorption, assimilation, or simply put metabolism is different in different beings, at different times.
And food has far more to offer than just the combustible portions. So you can't put a particular number on the required calorie consumption based on just age and gender.
And if calories from food ran our bodies, you could just live for eternity if you managed to ensure a continuous supply of calories.
Life is an enigma beyond the hold of science, it's not the calories that drive our vehicles, it's the life force, whose workings we can only observe and maybe formulate as laws.
I guess it makes sense to most of us now that calories don't drive our bodies! In fact, what'd be going on in your mind would be more along the lines of "So that's the reason even after balancing out calories and everything with right diet and exercise, I was still getting diseases and feeling lethargic."
So there goes "calorie theory" into a 'inflated trivia fads' bag!
Going back to the 'life force', it has to do a distribution of the energy available from the reserve for digestion, mental work, physical work, internal cleaning, regulating blood circulation, and a lot many other works going on inside our vehicles daily.?
The energy it'd need to digest foods that are heavy would be more that the share allocated for digestion, because heavy foods aren't natural. (Why? ... You'll see in another article or if you don't want to wait, you can check out my profile and follow for daily health tips and updates.)
And the distribution principles are based on all things natural.?
Now since the daily energy packet is fixed, that extra energy to be relocated to digestion has to be extracted from other works,?
We don't stop any work that's in our hands, so no energy share available from those tasks, the work that gets most affected in the process of internal cleaning.?
The energy that would've been spent on taking the toxins out, has now gone into digestion.?
In consequence, the toxins couldn't be flushed out! When this happens over and over again, a thick layer of toxins gets accumulated in our large intestines (mainly). From there it gets absorbed and reaches to different organs and gets accumulated there, leading to all the so-called diseases.??
You can read the previous block of words once again if it felt all too fast and your eyes just couldn't stop growing bigger. And also read it again because it forms the basis of natural and fast disease reversal plans.?
Now on the other hand, if your foods are light on body, you can get all their nutrients without having to steal the energy share from the detox process of your body.?
This kind of food ensures an efficient internal cleaning along with all the other tasks. And our life force is pretty strong, just a little support from our side gets it working gracefully and it takes even the previously accumulated toxins out gradually.?Even the chronic diseases that doctors or surgeons have given up on have been reversed with our process worldwide, hence paved the way for a vibrant life for many!
With the right steps, anyone can feel its effect within 3 days. (Comprehensive program includes more than food and exercise, Our thoughts contribute in a bigger way than you imagine to the process. For a clarity on this you may refer to these detailed video on my youtube channel : &
Now you must have a clarity on how our health and diseases are impacted by what we choose to put in our mouths.?
For more clarity on what exactly are the foods that support the life force in the task of reversing diseases, I'll share another article, until then you can check out this post which has a disease reversal diet plan.?
Now remember to do it fast and to make it last, you must have the comprehensive information, and guidance to do it right. You can reach out at [email protected] for comprehensive course, webinars or hand-held disease reversal programs.
Or follow thinking cookie, because I share tested plans and tools to reverse diseases and lead a vibrant life right here.
And worry not if you are a foodie, because I'm a gourmet too! With right guidance you can reverse your diseases naturally without being forced to give up on your favourite delicacies, that's why the name, "Thinking Cookie". Right thoughts and right cookie are the secrets to vibrance .
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*[Data Source: Ergonomic Research and stats]
Former Nutritionist evaluating the health of companies | MBA(Finance) student
2 年Ignorance is not always bliss! Knowing your body helps you make informed decisions. #ignorance #bliss #knowledgeispower #healthandwellbeing #selfconfidence #empowerment #decisionscience #decision #poweringthefuture #humanbody #diseaseprevention #morningmotivation #Enlightenment
Former Nutritionist evaluating the health of companies | MBA(Finance) student
2 年Your understanding of human body holds the potential to solve all your health problems! Don't let yourself be driven by fads! Make informed decisions! Knowledge is power! #health #diseases #diseaseprevention #healthylifestyle #calories #healthyfood #Humanbody #fads #myth #knowledgeispower #informeddecisions #rightchoice #yourchoice #powertothepeople #chooseyourpath #choosewisely