Food Colour Dyes: Harmless or Harm-ful?
Dr Arun Dhir
FRCS,FRACS,GAICD Associate Professor and Director Body Genesis Institute, GI Surgeon,Speaker,Sustainable Healthcare Strategist
Are?attractive?artificial colours hurting your health?
Artificial food dyes are responsible for the bright colours of candy, sports drinks and baked goods. They’re even used in certain brands of pickles, smoked salmon and salad dressing, as well as medications.
In fact, artificial food dye consumption has increased by 500% in the last 50 years, and children are the biggest consumers. Claims have been made that artificial dyes cause serious side effects, such as hyperactivity in children, as well as cancer and allergies.
The topic is highly controversial and there are many conflicting opinions about the safety of artificial food dyes. In this article, I have tried to separate fact from fiction.
What are food dyes?
Food dyes are chemical substances that were developed to enhance the appearance of food by giving it artificial colour.
People have added colourings to food for centuries, but the first artificial food colourings were created in 1856 from coal tar.
Nowadays, food dyes are made from petroleum.
Over the years, hundreds of artificial food dyes have been developed, but a majority of them have since been found to be toxic. There are only a handful of artificial dyes that are still used in food.
Food manufacturers often prefer artificial food dyes over natural food colourings, such as beta carotene and beet extract, because they produce more vibrant colours.
However, there is quite a bit of controversy regarding the safety of artificial food dyes. All of the artificial dyes that are currently used in food have gone through testing for toxicity in animal studies.
Regulatory agencies, like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), have concluded that the dyes do not pose significant health risks.
Not everyone agrees with that conclusion. Interestingly, some food dyes are deemed safe in one country, but banned from human consumption in another, making it extremely confusing to assess their safety.
Artificial dyes currently used in food
The following food dyes are approved for use by both the EFSA and the FDA
The most popular food dyes are Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6. These three make up 90% of all the food dye used in the US. A few other dyes are approved in some countries but banned in others. Green No. 3, also known as Fast Green, is approved by the FDA but banned in Europe.
Quinoline Yellow, Carmoisine and Ponceau are examples of food colourings allowed in the EU but banned in the US.
For my Australian readers, here are 14 artificial colours currently permitted in Australia, many of which are banned or restricted in other countries.
Reference: From Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)?Food Additives Numerical List –? April 2009)
Childhood ADHD and food dyes
A report published in 2010 by the US Centre for Science in the Public Interest, titled?Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks, found that colourings can pose a risk of cancer, hyperactivity in children and allergies, and called for them to be banned across America.
Two-thirds of Australian mothers have noticed behavioural changes in their children after eating food containing artificial colours and preservatives, according to a survey this month by family research and welfare group Karitane.
The mothers surveyed said children became more restless, agitated, hyperactive, erratic, inconsolable and even aggressive.
A survey by the Dietitians Association of Australia found that 21 per cent of children aged nine months were being given biscuits and cakes every day.
So what harmful effects do artificial dyes have on our health?
Over the past 100 years, food dyes have been found to be riskier to our health than any other category of?food additives. Despite being commonly used in?processed foods, the majority of?artificial?food colourings have been found to raise significant health concerns:
Most foods containing artificial food dyes are highly processed, contain little if any natural nutrients, and are high in calories and added sugars. Food dyes are likely to be detrimental to our health, which is supported by the cancer-causing, immune disrupting, and hypersensitivity effects that they are linked to.
Remember, what we put in our bodies has a huge effect on our cells, which in turn affects our health and wellbeing. Do a big favour for your health and choose to put healthy, naturally-coloured foods in your body!
“Color Additives Questions and Answers for Consumers.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, 2018,?
Kobylewski, Sarah, and Michael F. Jacobson. Food dyes: A rainbow of risks. Center for Science in the Public Interest, 2010.
Kobylewski, Sarah, and Michael F. Jacobson. “Toxicology of food dyes.” International journal of occupational and environmental health 18.3 (2012): 220-246.
Okafor, Sunday N., et al. “Assessment of the health implications of synthetic and natural food colourants—A critical review.” UK Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biosciences 4.4 (2016): 01-11.
Vojdani, Aristo, and Charlene Vojdani. “Immune reactivity to food colouring.” Altern. Ther 21 (2015): 1-1001
Helping You Discover, Empower & Prosper
Dr Arun Dhir?|?GI Surgeon, Health Reformist & Passionate Educator.
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About Dr Arun:
Besides having a busy private practice at Melbourne Gastro Surgery - Centre for Weight Loss, Dr Arun is an active member of the ANZ Association of Gastro-Oesophageal surgeons (ANZGOSA), ANZ Society of Metabolic and Obesity Surgery (OSSANZ) and Australian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM).?
Dr Arun is also a senior lecturer (University of Melbourne) and yoga and meditation teacher, with a strong interest in the mind-body-gut connection. He regularly writes and speaks about gut health, gut microbiome, obesity, gastrointestinal surgery and healing. Arun’s published works include?Happy Gut Healthy Weight?(Balboa Press 2018), “Creating a New You – Health Journal?” (Metagenics 2019), and?Your Mess Has a Message?(2021).