"Eat junk less, to get fit into your dress
Hey Connection
The 16th of February 2023 we Conducted an Awareness Program which spreads the policy of NO TO JUNK as the member of Foodie's Club. We Explained all the pros and cons of consuming junk food. Though the consumption of junk food may feel and taste so good, it is definitely a slow poison. The production of Junk food Nowadays are extremely huge and is obviously dangerous. The chemicals they use and the fertilizers they mix to keep them preserved for a long period of time are the most infectious things to do.
To spread such kind of information among the society is all we did. We went to all the CSE Department classes and furnished our thoughts about it by using banners and pamphlets. After some Interactive sessions with the students, they came to a conclusion of stopping or at least minimizing the consumption of Junk Food which reflected as a victory of the event.
Mr.Ramalingam V?Final Year CSE Student, the Student Coordinator of Foodie's Club helped us in organizing the Event. We also Thank the Faculty Coordinator Mr. Raja Ravi Shankar sir for being a great support in organizing this event.
"You are what you eat, so stop eating crap"