Food For All
Wasif Shoukat
Helping recruitment/HR/ IT and Software firms with their back-office duties, getting clients & candidates with Inbound Automation strategies (Contact / Whats-app +27 68 888 2986) Founder & CEO at Fast Resource Pvt Ltd
The most important basic human need is food for every individual and this issue could not be resolved by people on earth. We can not live without food.?Some are dying for food and some are dying with food by overeating. The heathy food is available to less people and junk food is eaten by majority.
Impure Food: Healthy food is available to a limited population; junk food is the only provision for most of the people. To provide healthy food up to the demand of a person is a great question to majority of the states. Malnutrition causes stunt growth of our children. Malnutrition is a global problem since centuries.
Millions of people are suffering from different forms of malnutrition. In fact, 1.9 billion adults are overweight or obese while 462 million are underweight. Among children, 52 million under-fives are suffering from wasting, where they have a low weight for height.
Around one in ten children are born with low birth weight, in South Asia, it is one in four, and approximately 45% of deaths among children under five are linked to undernutrition. These deaths often occur in low- and middle-income countries where childhood obesity levels are rising at the same time, “Nutrition is the main cause of death and disease in the world." Dr Branco says the developmental, economic, social, and medical impacts of malnutrition are serious and lasting. (Google)
An estimated 820 million people did not have enough to eat in 2018, up from 811 million in the previous year, which is the third year of increase in a row. This underscores the immense challenge of achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger by 2030, says a new edition of the annual The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report released.
The pace of progress in halving the number of children who are stunted and in reducing the number of babies born with low birth weight is too slow, which also puts the SDG 2 nutrition targets further out of reach, according to the report.
At the same time, adding to these challenges, overweight and obesity continue to increase in all regions, particularly among school-age children and adults.
The chances of being food insecure are higher for women than men in every continent, with the largest gap in Latin America.
“Our actions to tackle these troubling trends will have to be bolder, not only in scale but also in terms of multisectoral collaboration,” the heads of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Program (WFP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) urged in their joint foreword to the report.
Hunger is increasing in many countries where economic growth is lagging, particularly in middle-income countries and those that rely heavily on international primary commodity trade. The annual UN report also found that income inequality is rising in many of the countries where hunger is on the rise, making it even more difficult for the poor, vulnerable or marginalized to cope with economic slowdowns and downturns.
“We must foster pro-poor and inclusive structural transformation focusing on people and placing communities at the Centre to reduce economic vulnerabilities and set ourselves on track to ending hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition,” the UN leaders said. (Google) Is it not a matter of concern for the civilized world sensibly?
Food is the very basic human need never addressed by the affluent people on earth. It’s a serious threat, It won’t help the global peace in the world.