Food 4 Shabbos Toldos - Israel at war!
Shalom from Safed,
? May Hashem protect all of the inhabitants of the land of Israel within all the Jewish nation all over the world and grant the return of all hostages healthy, safely and immediately. Immediate victory in this war, eliminating ALL our enemies without casualties. True and lasting peace with the revelation of the Rebbe Melech Ha’Moshiach immediately NOW! During the break of the Yom Kippur war there were chassidim from Israel, by the Rebbe at 770 in NY. They were received by the Rebbe for a private audience. One of the Chassidim had two sons in laws serving in the Israeli army at the time. He broke out in tears and asked what he can do to help them. The Rebbe’s reply was: “If you really want to help them, you should be in the mode of Happiness”. The Chossid could not help himself and continued to cry. The Rebbe told him: “This room can not contain despair”. The chossid pulled himself together and stopped weeping. We find ourselves in similar circumstances. After the terrible tragic atrocities that befell us Shabbat Simchat Torah this year and in the midst of battling a war for our very existence, we ask ourselves: “What can we do?”. The answer is found at the beginning of the war, Simchat Torah. We must be in the mode of Joy. Pull ourselves together to spread light as we have entered the month of light in which we celebrate the Holiday of Lights Chanuka. A little light dispels much darkness. Adding a small step in Torah study, observance of a mitzvah, like Teffiillin, Mezuzah, giving charity or lighting Shabbat candles. This dispels the darkness and evil of our enemies and brings to our soldiers and all the Jewish nation worldwide, an immediate victory with ?the light of Moshiach and the true and complete Geula NOW Mammesh! ?To receive, guidance and consultation in revealing the mode of happiness within ourselves and really?helping and making a difference in the world, you are invited to contact me. Good Shabbos. May we all have a Safe, Victorious, Healthy and Warm Winter Moshiach NOW! Eliyahu
Weekly Story?
If you prefer to see and listen to me speak, have a seat and enjoy this?week's amazing story on YouTube?? here.
This Week’s Portion
Find your Shabbos? candle lighting times anywhere in the world here. Yom hilula and birthday?of the Mitteler Rebbe Rabbi DovBer of Lubavitch, both on the 9th of Kislev (5534/1773 and 5588/1827 respectively), Wednesday and his yom hageulah from prison in Vitebsk on the 10th of Kislev (5587/1826), ?Thursday. Click?here ?to read about the life and times of the Mitteler Rebbe. ??
B.H. ?
?Toldos?–?Living Waters
May Hashem protect all of the inhabitants of the land of Israel within all the Jewish nation all over the world and grant the return of all our hostages healthy, safely and immediately. Immediate victory in this war, eliminating ALL our enemies without casualties. True and complete peace with the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha’Moshiach immediately NOW!
In the merit of my Mother's Neshomo Rivkah Rus bat R' Dovid Whose Yahrzeit was Tuesday Rosh Chodesh Kislev ?
??? This?Shabbat?we read the portion of?Toldot. The portion begins with the birth of Yaakov and Esav and concludes with Yitzchak blessing Yaakov and sending him to his uncle Lavan, Rivkah’s brother, in order to find a wife. ???One subject that is frequently mentioned in this week’s portion is the digging of wells. First the Torah mentions that Yitzchak redug the wells that his father had dug but had been filled with earth by the Philistines. Thereafter the Torah relates that his servants dug three new wells brimming with living waters. Local shepherds contested two of the wells that the servants dug, but the third was uncontested, which served as a sign of Hashem’s blessing?for?prosperity and security. Whatever the Torah tells us is a lesson in our service of Hashem. We must therefore seek to understand the significance of digging wells. ??The Ramban explains that the three wells represent the three Temples in Yerushalayim: the Temples of Solomon, of Ezra, and of Moshiach. The contesting of the first two wells represents the destruction of the first two Temples, and the third well, being uncontested represents the eternity of the third Temple. We must seek to understand the significance of the parable of wells to represent the Holy Temple. ??Dry ground and rocks appear to be barren, lacking any sign of life. By digging deep, we can reveal a well, a source of life. The deeper one digs, the more and purer water one reveals. Once uncovered, the source doesn’t need to be replenished. Unlike rainwater, which must come from the heavens, spring water needs only to be revealed. In service of Hashem, this, parallels revealing the G-dly nature that is within each person and within every aspect of the world. Interestingly, according to Jewish law spring water can purify in cases when rain water cannot. Our hidden good is more powerful than our revealed goodness. Often wells rise on their own once revealed. This represents the deep desire of the goodness hidden in each person and object to be revealed. ??Everything in the world was created by Hashem?for?a purpose and therefore is essentially G-dly. Every person possesses a soul and therefore is essentially good. Sometimes, the goodness and the G-dliness are hidden beneath a thick and coarse exterior. Our purpose in the world is to reveal that goodness and that G-dliness. The deeper we dig, the greater the goodness and G-dliness we reveal. By doing so, we make each individual and the world as a whole a dwelling place?for?G-d. This is the central concept of the construction of the Temple, creating a dwelling place?for?Hashem as the Torah says, “Make?for?Me a Sanctuary and I will dwell amongst you.” ??When we have begun to reveal the goodness and G-dliness in the world, but not finished the job, there is contention. When we have finished the job, on the contrary, there will be perfect consent and peace. ??In Jewish law, well water is considered purer than rainwater and has a greater power to purify people and objects that have been defiled. Spring water is also generally considered better in quality. The special qualities of spring water are because the water penetrates and passes through the crevices, rocks and dirt. This symbolizes overcoming adversity. When one overcomes adversity, it not only purifies the person, it gives them strength to affect the world and bring purity to others. ??Isaac’s blessing at the end of the portion begins with the words “And?G-d will give you.” Rashi notes that the word “and” is superfluous and implies that G-d will give and give again. Isaac blessed Jacob and his offspring that they will be blessed with revealed good and the power to reveal and enjoy the hidden good. ??The Baal Shem Tov ascended to the Heavenly chamber of Moshiach and asked him when he will arrive. Moshiach answered him “When your wellsprings (The Baal Shem Tov’s teachings) will spread outward.” The month of Kislev is the month of the revelation of Chassidut. May it be Hashem’s will that we will immediately merit the coming of Moshiach. ?
This has been made available by:? Rabbi Y. Biggs Chabad of Great Neck NY