Food 4 Shabbos Shemot - Israel at war!
Shalom from Safed,
? May Hashem protect all of the inhabitants of the land of Israel within all the Jewish nation all over the world and grant the return of ALL hostages healthy, safely and immediately. Immediate victory in this war, eliminating ALL our enemies without casualties. True and lasting peace with the revelation of the Rebbe Melech Ha’Moshiach immediately NOW! This Shabbos we commence reading the book of Shemot – Exodus the book of the redemption. At the revelation of the burning bush Moshe asks Hashem, what he should answer if the children of Israel ask what is the name of G-D who is sending him on the mission of taking them out of Egypt? At first glance this question seems to be not clear. The children of Israel that grew up on the foundation of the teachings of the forefathers obviously knew that Hashem has a number of names and they knew these names, so why would they ask Moshe what is G-D’s name?! The Rebbe explains that behind the question is hidden an eternal paradox. What they actually would be asking is, what name of Hashem would allow such an atrocious exile? ??Babies being thrown into the Nile, Pharaoh bathing in the blood of the Jewish children and babies being placed as mortar between the stones of the pyramids. To this Hashem answers: “Eheyeh asher Eheyeh” Eheyeh, contains most of the letters of Havayeh Hashem’s name as revealed in the creation in the attribute of Chessed – Kindness. In other words, Hashem is saying he is with the Jewish nation in this abominable exile as he will be with us in the future exiles. The explanation, how this is possible if this is coming from kindness? This is in the next verse, “Zeh shmi Leolam” – this, my name of Chessed, may be for reasons Hashem reckons, hidden and concealed at times. There is no conceivable logic at these times for the actions that we witness, but we must trust and believe that this is the hidden kindness of G-D and just as we finally merited the redemption from Egypt so we are promised to merit the current redemption despite the darkness we are witnessing at the present. May we have the Geulah – redemption revealed immediately NOW! ?To receive, guidance and consultation of how to maintain our trust and belief in Hashem during these most difficult and challenging times, you are invited to contact me.
May we all have a Safe, Victorious, Healthy and Warm Winter Moshiach NOW! Eliyahu
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This Week’s Portion
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B.H. ?
?Shemot-Full Trust! ?
May Hashem protect all of the inhabitants of the land of Israel within all the Jewish nation all over the world and grant the return of all our hostages healthy, safely and immediately. Immediate victory in this war, eliminating ALL our enemies without casualties. True and complete peace with the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha’Moshiach immediately NOW! ? ? ??In light of the situation in the Holy Land and the world at large, everyone is asked to add in Torah study ,Prayer, acts of Goodness and Kindness and especially Charity for the safety and security of the Jewish nation in Israel and all over the world.? ? ? ?? This?Shabbat?we read the portion of?Shemot, which describes the beginning of the Egyptian servitude, the birth and rise of Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses), Hashem’s revelation to Moshe in the burning bush and the beginning of Moshe’s mission to redeem the Jewish people. The lessons from this portion illuminate the path to the redemption from the current exile, may it come immediately. ??The title of the portion,?Shemot, means names. Before the servitude, Hashem counted the Jewish people and mentioned them by name, both of which are significant signs of dearness and empowerment of the Jewish people to endure the exile. According to Jewish law, non kosher items that are counted and?accidentally?get mixed?with kosher items cannot be?annulled, even if?their ratio is insignificant. This is because by counting, we express the significance of each individual item, rather than its weight or measure. When Hashem counted the children of Israel, He assured that no Jew was insignificant compared to the multitude of Egyptians. Recounting each of?the Jewish people's,?names is a sign of both affection and intensification of identity. Before the servitude Hashem proclaimed his love?for?us and gave us the strength to retain our identity. This is a lesson that in the current exile, Hashem has given each of us the strength to retain our Jewish identity and that He loves and cares?for?each of us individually. Reflecting thereon, we must be concerned that not a single Jew loses his Jewish identity and respects his unique bond with G-d. ??The Midrash teaches that one of the merits which made the Jewish people deserving of the Exodus was that they retained their Jewish names. Our Hebrew names are a special part of our identity, our unique title which defines our bond with Hashem. Hebrew is the language of creation. Chassidut teaches that the Hebrew name represents the bond of the body and the soul, and that by using our Hebrew names we empower our souls. We see the power of names in the narratives of our patriarchs. Before Sarah could have children, Hashem changed her name. Before the conception of Yitzchak, Hashem changed Avraham’s name. ??When Hashem spoke to Moshe from the burning bush, He said “And now the cries of the Jewish people have come before me and I have seen their torment.” Although Hashem was well aware of the torment the Jewish people suffered under Egyptian slavery, and He had promised the forefathers to redeem the Jewish people from Egypt, Hashem stressed that “I have heard their cries.” This teaches us that we must constantly beseech Hashem?for?the redemption until our cries will finally be heard. Until we ask, He?doesn't?answer. ??Hashem continued and told Moshe “When you will redeem the people from Egypt, they will serve Hashem upon this mountain.” With these words, Hashem explained to Moshe the true meaning of the Exodus and the core of the Jewish people. The Exodus was not simply emancipation from physical slavery. The Exodus created a people with a unique bond to G-d, a spiritual Exodus which lifted the Jewish people beyond the confines of the mundane world. We?didn't?become emancipated slaves, we became the people of the Torah.?When we seek Moshiach, we must seek more than physical comfort and freedom. We must seek a world where we can feel the presence of Hashem everywhere and we constantly get closer to Him. ??After Moshe announced the redemption,?for?a limited time the servitude got worse. To further the confusion, Moshe disappeared. In fact, these were the final preparations?for?the redemption. This is a powerful lesson. Sometimes, we improve our ways expecting immediate blessing from Hashem in response. The delays we experience are?for?our own good. We must not lose faith when we don’t see expected results. This is the true test of Bitachon - trust in Hashem, by which we merit salvation. ??As we study the first redemption may we speedily merit the final redemption through the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha’Moshiach immediately NOW Mammesh! ?
This has been made available by:? Rabbi Y. Biggs Chabad of Great Neck NY