Food 4 Shabbos Pinchas - Israel at war!
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Food 4 Shabbos Pinchas - Israel at war!



Shalom from Safed,


In this week’s Parsha we read about the heroic act of Pinchas that stopped the plague from continuing to kill off the Jewish Nation and the eternal, historic reward he received, having priesthood bestowed upon him and his seed. This one-time reward was earned and given by Hashem to prove that the act of Pinchas stemmed from pure kindness and care for the children of Israel and not out of cruelty that he might have inherited from his Grandfather Yitro, who before he converted to Judaism, was a priest of Idolatry and fattened calves to be offered for this cause. Or any other personal bias against the leader of the tribe of Shimon and gaining honor and respect for his action. We are likewise instructed from this that our service of Hashem is meant to be holy and pure without deviation to personal interests of pride and pleasure. For assistance and guidance in channeling our actions and intentions to be pure and unbiased and not out self-interests of honor and reward,?with Joy and Happiness, you are invited to contact me.?

We must thank Hashem for this week's inequivalent speech of the Prime Minister of Israel at the American Congress. Expressing the eternal link of the Nation of Israel to the Land of Israel. Nevertheless unfortunately, it seems that this annexed message is as pertinent as it was last week as it is this week. For all those who have inquired. Thank you so much for your concern. Baruch Hashem My family and I are well, but we are distraught, to say the least, about the situation here. The Jungle-like stampede of the Arabs in certain cities. The psychological trauma alone is so difficult to overcome. Despite these challenges, we are strengthening our belief and trust in Hashem with happiness and joy. Adding in our Prayers and Tehilim and especially in the addition of the giving of Tzedakah - Charity, as we are promised- the giving of Tzedakah speeds up the coming of the Geula - Redemption, this being especially during the period of the three week's we mourn the calamity of the destruction of our two Temples. We must thank Hashem for his miracles to finally merit the big miracle of Moshiach NOW!

May we all have a Safe, Victorious, Healthy, and amazing Summer.

May these days be transformed to days of joy and happiness and festivals.

Good Shabbos,

Moshiach NOW!



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This Week’s Portion


Find your Shabbos? candle lighting times anywhere in the world here. Pirkei Avot: Chapter one To learn more about the three weeks, you are invited to?go to this website: ? ?

B.H. ?

Pinchas-How Good is Our Portion!

May Hashem protect all of the inhabitants of the land of Israel within all the Jewish nation all over the world and grant the return of all our hostages healthy, safely and immediately. Immediate victory in this war, eliminating ALL our enemies without casualties. True and complete peace with the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha’Moshiach immediately NOW! ? ? ??In light of the situation in the Holy Land and the world at large, everyone is asked to add in Torah study ,Prayer, acts of Goodness and Kindness and especially Charity for the safety and security of the Jewish nation in Israel and all over the world.?

?? ? This Shabbat we read the portion of Pinchas. After the census of the Jewish people before entering the land of Israel, the Torah discusses the apportioning of the land to the twelve tribes. The Torah (Bamidbar 26:53-56) describes what seem to be two very different divisions of the Land. At first the Torah says that the Land should be divided demographically, with the larger tribe receiving the larger portion of land. Thereafter, the Torah says that the Land must be divided by lottery. Further, the Torah states that it is divided by the word of Hashem. Rashi, based on the Talmud, explains that Israel was divided into twelve portions. The twelve portions were written on wooden lots and mixed in a container. The names of the tribes were written on other wooden lots and mixed in another container. Elazar the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) wore the Urim and Tumim (a special garment which aided in prophecy) and announced that if a particular tribe would be picked, this would be the portion of the tribe. The leader of that tribe would then pick the lots, and by divine miracle his tribe and portion would come up. By a further miracle, the wooden lots themselves would announce the tribe and portion. Thus, the division of the land was by size, lottery and the word of Hashem. The division of the land has an important teaching both in our attitude toward life and in our service of Hashem. Each tribe received the portion that suited them logically. Underlying this was the prophecy that this was to be their portion and the lottery. The third Lubavitcher Rebbe once told a Chossid who was contemplating moving to Israel “make here (in Russia) the Land of Israel.” We all have a portion in life. We understand how we got there and sometimes question the justice of our portion. In truth, every person was given his portion in the world by Hashem in order to perfect the part of the world that his soul was uniquely created to perfect. Each of us was endowed with unique abilities to deal with our portion. When we focus in this manner our lives gain new meaning and we attain immeasurable success. This carries a deep lesson in our service to Hashem. Many Mitzvot are within our comprehension. It is important to realize that underlying those Mitzvot that we do understand are deeper reasons that are beyond our comprehension. We must serve Hashem not only on the level of reason but also on the levels of lottery and prophesy which transcend our understanding. We have entered the Three Weeks when we mourn the destruction of the Temple and intensify our prayers for its rebuilding. The discussion of the inheritance of the land of Israel this week gives us strength to look forward to the redemption through Moshiach when the entire land of Israel will belong exclusively to the Jewish people. This is echoed by the end of the portion which mentions the Jewish holidays. Their total number is twenty-one, paralleling the days of the three weeks. This is because when Moshiach comes the days of mourning will be transformed to days of joy and great holidays. The context of the holidays in this portion is the offerings in the Temple, which intensifies our faith and yearning for the third Temple. The Midrash teaches that Pinchas, for whom the portion is named, is the soul of Eliyahu Hanavi (Elijah the Prophet) who will herald the redemption. May we hear his announcement immediately with the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha’Moshiach and the true and complete redemption, NOW Mammesh!



This has been made available by:? Rabbi Y.?Biggs Chabad of Great Neck NY


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