Food 4 Shabbos Noach - Israel at war!
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Food 4 Shabbos Noach - Israel at war!



Shalom from Safed,

In this week’s Pasha we are told That Noach entered the ark in accord to the commandment of Hashem and he exited the ark in accord to the commandment of Hashem. Thus leaving us with the question, why did Noach send the raven and the dove to check if they could exit the ark? Noach could not exit the ark until he was commanded to do so! We are taught that Noach expressed his strong desire to leave the ark and did everything he could to exit already. Sending the raven and sending the dove twice to see if the flood ceased and it was possible to leave the ark. When Hashem saw Noach’s great efforts and desire to leave the ark, Hashem swiftly gave him the command to exit the ark.? The same is with the Galut that is compared to the flood. We should not wait until Hashem tells us to go out of exile. We must do all we can to leave this exile and reveal the Geula. First, by believing that the Geula is here and we must reveal it. Second, by spreading the belief in Moshiach in our inviroment and adding in our acts of goodness, kindness and prayer that Hashem redeems us. When Hashem sees our great and fervent desire to go out of Galut he will speedily and immediately bring us the Geula. ?To receive, guidance and consultation in striving to our personal redemption, overcoming our challenges in life and of course arriving to the general redemption, you are invited to contact me. Good Shabbos. May we all have a Safe, Victorious, Healthy and Warm Winter Moshiach NOW! Eliyahu


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B.H. ?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??The Ark of Peace May Hashem protect all of the inhabitants of the land of Israel within all the Jewish nation all over the world and grant the return of all hostages healthy, safely and immediately. Immediate victory in this war, eliminating ALL our enemies without casualties. True and lasting peace with the revelation of the Rebbe Melech Ha’Moshiach immediately NOW! In the early years of his leadership the Alter Rebbe declared publicly, "One must live with the time." From his brother, R. Yehuda Leib, the elder chassidim discovered that the Rebbe meant one must live with the?sedra?of the week and the particular?parsha?of the day. One should not only?learn?the weekly?parsha?every day, but?live?with it.??(From this Tuesday’s Hayom Yom)Israel is at war and each of us is gripped by the question what we can do. There are lessons in the portion to guide us. This is the first Shabbat in the month of Cheshvan and we read the portion of Noach, the narrative of the great flood. Because of the “Hamas” - depravity of humankind, Hashem decreed that the entire human race was to be destroyed through a great flood. The overwhelming majority of the animal kingdom was destroyed as well. Noach and his immediate family, together with representatives of each species, were spared by entering an ark and remaining there for a full year. The flood began on the seventeenth of Cheshvan, and continued for forty days and nights. The waters rose fifteen cubits above the mountains and raged for one hundred and fifty days. It took an entire solar year from when the waters began until they receded and the earth dried. At first glance, the flood is difficult to understand. Why did the flood continue for forty days? Surely the wicked could have been eradicated in one day? Further, why did Noach have to remain in the ark for a year? Within the boundaries of nature, a flood of such magnitude wouldn’t recede in thousands of years. Miraculously, it could clear in a day. Why, then, did it take exactly a year? In the liturgy of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we are told three things remove evil decrees. One is Teshuvah, repentance. Like the Earth, we were created pure. We must return to our natural purity. Teshuvah is not becoming someone different, but becoming who we were meant to be. The flood was more than just a means to destroy the wicked. It served to purify the world. Since the world was created in order that man should perfect it through divine service, the sins of Noach’s generation defiled the earth itself. This is why the upper crust of the earth was destroyed, as Rashi comments. The flood served to purify the earth. The number forty represents the size of a Mikveh, and therefore it rained for forty days and nights. This is also why the flood began on the seventeenth, the numerical value of Tov, which means good in Hebrew. The number fifteen is the name of Hashem: Ten is Yud and five is Hey. The fifteen cubits represented Hashem’s presence above the earth the hundred fifty days represents the fifteen permeating all ten aspects of creation. We must feel G-d’s presence surrounding us in every manner and attune ourselves to His will. When we renew ourselves the world renews itself. When we are in harmony with Hashem the entire world is in harmony. The ark was also not only a refuge, but an elevating experience. In order to enter the newly purified earth, Noach and the animals needed to be raised to a higher level. The spirituality of the ark paralleled the Messianic era. One of the prophecies concerning Moshiach is that “The wolf will dwell with the lamb … because the world will be filled with the knowledge of Hashem as the waters fill the ocean.” Throughout the entire year, wild and domestic animals coexisted in a small space without injuring each other. This was due to the intense divine revelation in the ark. It lasted for an entire year, in order that this sanctity should permeate Noach and the animals throughout each of the seasons. This is the reason Noach had to force the animals to leave after the ark rested, as mentioned in Rashi. Another of the three powers to nullify evil decrees is prayer. The word ark in Hebrew is Teiva, which also means word. The Baal Shem Tov explained that the command to Noach “enter the Teiva” is relevant to each one of us. When we feel surrounded and overwhelmed by the world around us, we must enter the words of Torah and the words of prayer. Not only must we study and pray, but also we must immerse ourselves in the depth of the words. The deeper we immerse ourselves in the words of Torah and prayer, the greater their effect. If we immerse ourselves sufficiently, not only will they serve as a refuge, but also they will bring us to the ultimate heights. The intensity of the prayer must equal or surpass the decree we seek to nullify. Many of our prayers beg for peace, salvation and the benefit of Israel and Jerusalem. Unfortunately, we don’t always hear what we are saying. We need to enter the words. The words need to enter our minds and our hearts. This will bring the salvation. Similarly, Torah study protects the Jewish people. In order to merit this effect, we must feel that at the moment of study, we are standing by Mount Sinai and Hashem is speaking to us. Imagine the awe and interest and attention we would feel. This is entering the words. The Zohar notes that the flood is referred to as the waters of Noach, even though he was the righteous man Hashem saved! This is because Noach did not pray for the wicked to be saved. Avraham prayed for the well being of the people of Sodom, even though they were wicked. Noach did not, and so the flood was accredited to him. We must pray for everyone’s well being. The protection and blessing of the Jewish people is through unity. In the prayer for peace, Sim Shalom, we ask Hashem “bless us our Father all together as one in the light of Your countenance.” We must put all differences aside and beg Hashem’s blessing and protection for everyone. The third force is charity. True charity is when we feel someone else’s needs are our needs. Then Hashem views our needs as His needs. This Sunday is the seventh of Cheshvan, when they begin to pray for rain in Israel. (Outside of Israel we begin December 5th). In truth, rain is needed earlier. However, in the times of the Temple, it would take until the seventh of Cheshvan for everyone to get home after visiting the Temple for the holiday of Sukkot. The prayer for rain was therefore delayed until that date. This teaches us a beautiful lesson in caring: even when praying for our basic needs, we must consider the discomforts of others. The Zohar teaches that the sanctity of the holidays continues until the seventh of Cheshvan and any resolutions that we wanted to accomplish during the holidays can be done until then. Certain Mitzvot have a special connection to the protection of the Jewish people. Before Shabbat, we light Shabbat candles. The light of a Mitzvah, particularly the candle of Shabbat, the day of Shalom, dispels much darkness. Every additional Jew who lights Shabbat candles illuminates the world The Talmud teaches Mitzvah of Tefillin has a unique effect in increasing the respect and fear of the Jewish people amongst the nations of the world. It is for this reason the Rebbe instituted the Tefillin campaign before the 1967 war. If you don’t put on Tefillin, yet please do! If you do, please encourage others to! Your people need you! The Mezuzah is the guardian of our homes. Check your Mezuzah and make sure it is Kosher. If any doors are missing mezuzahs, put them up now. If you have Jewish friends who need Mezuzahs, make sure they put them up. Every Mezuzah in the world adds to the security of the entire Jewish people and particularly those in Israel. Increase in charity. When we help others, Hashem helps us. Our mercy awakens His mercies. Increase in prayer and Torah study, in quantity and quality. Share this with everyone! As we are coming from a?Hakhel?year, when all the above are discussed and done as part of a gathering, the effect is multiplied. The Rebbe explains that the flood was a precursor for the knowledge of Hashem filling the world as the waters fill the ocean, which will occur with the coming of Moshiach. May our increase in acts of goodness and kindness immediately allow us to see true world peace, “The wolf dwelling with the lamb,” not only in a limited place and time, but forever. The time before Moshiach is compared to birth pangs. There is much pain but it is speedily replaced by tremendous joy. Let us unite and pray that the recent war will be won immediately with the return of all the hostages with Hashem avenging the blood of all those who were murdered in cold blood and somehow be overshadowed with the joy of the true and complete Redemption with the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha'Moshiach immediately NOW!. ?

This has been made available by:? Rabbi Y. Biggs?Chabad of Great Neck NY


