Food 4 Shabbos Mishpatim - Mevarchim Adar - Israel at war!
Shalom from Safed,
Mishpatim -? "The decision and proclamation of the leaders of the world, the eve of parshat Mishpatim in regard to the status and stature of: "And they will beat their swords into plow shears", is the result of? the decision and proclamation of "Malchei Rabannan" that "Behold this (The King Moshiach) has come", beginning with the verdict of Kevod Kedushat Moch Admor the leader of our generation that we have already arrived to the culmination of our actions and service of the duration of the period of Galut and we are already prepared to receive the countenance of our righteous?Moshiach, and so is the verdict of the Rabbis and Halachic instructors of Israel that the time of Geula gas arrived, "A king from the house of David shall rise etc. who is be'chezkat - the candidate of being Moshiach" and has reached the status and stature of "This is definitely?Moshiach" !
The main thing is action: 1. Matters between oneself and one's fellow person should be in a manner of peaceful judgement. 2. Charity and acts of goodness and kindness. 3. The behavior and relationship between oneself and one's fellow person should be that everyone wants to benefit the other. 4. "And they will make me a sanctuary" A. Within one's heart, B. In one's home - in one's personal room and through this it becomes a house of Torah, Prayer and Goodness and Kindness, C. Especially by participating in the building and expanding of houses of Prayer and Study. 5. The Priestly blessing that each and everyone recites at the beginning of the day should be said out of the feeling of Ahavas Yisroel - love for one's fellow person. 6. One's service should be in a manner of "I place Hashem before me always". From the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha'Moshiach's?public address?of Shabbos portion of Mishpatim Shevat 27, Blessing the month of AdarI 5,752
For assistance and guidance?to imbue these instructions within ourselves and live them on a daily basis,?with Joy and Happiness, you are invited to contact me.?
If you would like to help support families for Shabbos?this may be done through me here in Tsfat. Donations may be sent to: ?Paypal #?[email protected]?
Stressing our complete trust and belief in Hashem Master of the Universe, unfortunately, it seems that this annexed message is even more pertinent as it was last week as it is this week.
Adding in our Prayers and Tehilim and especially in the addition of the giving of Tzedakah - Charity, as we are promised- the giving of Tzedakah speeds up the coming of the Geula - Redemption, we must thank Hashem for his miracles to finally merit the big miracle of Moshiach NOW!
May we all have a Safe, Victorious, Healthy, and amazing Shabbat?Shalom and Chodesh Tov! Moshiach NOW!
Weekly Story?
If you prefer to see and listen to me speak, have a seat and enjoy this?week's amazing story on YouTube??here.
This Week’s Portion?
Find your Shabbos? candle lighting times anywhere in the world here.??
Shabbos Mevarchim blessing the new month of Adar
The Molad will be:?Thursday February 27, 2025 7:02 (0 chalakim) PM
Rosh Chodesh will be Friday and the following day Shabbos Kodesh February 28th and March 1st
Mishpatim?- Understanding and Joy
May Hashem protect all of the inhabitants of the land of Israel within all the Jewish nation all over the world and grant the return of all our hostages healthy, safely and immediately. Immediate victory in this war, eliminating ALL our enemies without casualties. Blessing you, your entire family and all those who are dear to you with a healthy, happy, successful, joyous, fulfilling and prosperous New Year,?true and complete peace with the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha’Moshiach immediately NOW! ? ? ??In light of the situation in the Holy Land and the world at large, everyone is asked to add in Torah study ,Prayer, acts of Goodness and Kindness and especially Charity for the safety and security of the Jewish nation in Israel and all over the world.? ? ?
This?Shabbat?we read the portion of?Mishpatim?and we bless the month of Adar. The Talmud teaches that when the month of Adar arrives, we increase in joy. The Mazal of the Jewish people is strong in this month. ??The portion of?Mishpatim?primarily discusses Jewish civil law. The Torah not only directs our spiritual lives, but also creates a civil justice system of responsibility and compassion. The portion later discusses details concerning the giving of the Torah that were not mentioned in last week’s portion. We will seek to find the connection between these ideas and the month of joy. ??Before receiving the Torah, the Jewish people promised that whatever Hashem commands we will?do?and we will?hear. Seemingly, the order is unusual. First one hears what to do, and then one does it. “Hearing” in this verse has a deeper meaning, understanding. The Jewish people promised firstly to do: an unequivocal acceptance of whatever Hashem would command. Thereafter they promised to “hear,” to seek to understand the words of the Torah. Our understanding of the Torah is based on our acceptance of Hashem’s will rather than our acceptance of His commandments being based on our understanding. ??This gives us a special insight to the?Mishpatim, the Torah’s civil laws. Although the?Mishpatim?are generally laws of logic, we fulfill them not because?we?agree with the logic of the Torah, but rather because they are the laws of the?Torah. ??This is connected to the month of joy. The Talmud teaches that there is no joy like freedom from uncertainty. When we rely on our own logic, it may be flawed. When we follow the?Mishpatim?of the?Torah, we are positive we are doing the right thing. Furthermore, the?Mishpatim?allow us to make our most mundane affairs a form of contact with G-d. When we live according to the?Mishpatim, our commerce and interactions are all parts of one great Mitzvah. ??A deeper meaning of “hearing” is contemplating the meaning of each of the Mitzvot as a path to become G-dly people. Each Mitzvah guides us to compassion, humility, responsibility and self-elevation from the mundane to the divine. When we truly “hear’ the Mitzvot and our lives, minds and hearts are imbued with Hashem we reach true happiness. ??The word Adar is related to the word Adir, which means mighty. Rejoicing during these days is a vessel for Hashem’s blessings in everything. Further, the Rebbe has taught that through joy in these days we can overcome negative decrees. The word Adar is a composite of Aleph and Dar. Aleph symbolizes Hashem, who is One. Dar means to dwell. Adar is the perfect time to establish Hashem’s dwelling place in this world in the third and eternal Beis Ha’Mikdash with the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha’Moshiach immediately NOW! ? ?
This has been made available by: ?Rabbi Y. Biggs Chabad of Great Neck NY