Food 4 Shabbos Bechukosai - Chazak - Israel at war!
Shalom from Safed,?
? In this week’s portion Bechukosai we are told of Hashem’s promise of material reward in this life, for following in his ways and the opposite if otherwise. This seems surprising, due to the fact that we are told in the Talmud that the reward for our serving Hashem in this world and the opposite for otherwise are in the world to come! The Rebbe explains from the Rambam – Maimonides, in the laws that pertain to Teshuva – Atonement, that the blessings - reward the Torah speaks about is really our work conditions to have the ability to serve Hashem and to improve our conditions to function even better. The so called curses – punishment are actually signs of warning from above in order for us to correct and maintain our happy and healthy well being in order to serve Hashem. Thus, when we ask Hashem for something, we should request this in order for Hashem to provide us the conditions to serve him better, not for our personal pleasure and enjoyment. In this manner we will merit all Hashem’s promised blessings with the greatest of them all the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha’Moshiach with the true and complete Geula NOW Mammesh!
For guidance and instruction of how to broaden your blessings and minimize your need for warnings,?in your everyday life,?with Joy and Happiness, you are invited to contact me.?
I again take this opportunity to thank Hashem and to announce the engagement of our Eldest son, Avraham Mordechai with Chaya Mushka Narvona of Rechovot, Grandaughter of the Nachshon family of Chevron. All that would like to participate and assist in the preparations of the wedding are invited to do so through our paypal account: [email protected] or zel account:? [email protected] Thanking you in advance and blessing you with Simchas by you and your family.
May we all have a Safe, Victorious, Healthy and amazing Spring/Summer
Good Shabbos and Chodesh Tov,?
Moshiach NOW!
Weekly Story?
If you prefer to see and listen to me speak, have a seat and enjoy this?week's amazing story on YouTube??here.
This Week’s Portion
Find your Shabbos? candle lighting times anywhere in the world here.
Friday night Sefirah is 39 days, which are 5 weeks and four days of the Omer
Mevarchim - We bless the new month of Sivan
The Molad is Friday June 7th, 12:25 and 9 Chalakim AM
Rosh Chodesh is Friday, June 7th
Pirkei Avot chapter 5?? ?
B.H. ?
May Hashem protect all of the inhabitants of the land of Israel within all the Jewish nation all over the world and grant the return of all our hostages healthy, safely and immediately. Immediate victory in this war, eliminating ALL our enemies without casualties. True and complete peace with the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha’Moshiach immediately NOW! ? ? ??In light of the situation in the Holy Land and the world at large, everyone is asked to add in Torah study ,Prayer, acts of Goodness and Kindness and especially Charity for the safety and security of the Jewish nation in Israel and all over the world.??
?? ??This Shabbat we read the portion of Bechukosai. We also conclude the book of Vayikra and begin reading the book of Bamidbar. The Shabbat when we conclude a book of the Torah is called Shabbat Chazak, Shabbat of strength, because concluding a book of Torah and beginning a new one brings strength and blessing. It is appropriate to gather on Shabbat Chazak and share words of Torah, encouragement and blessing. ???Last week’s portion of Behar begins with the words “Hashem spoke to Moshe at Mount Sinai” and this week’s portion of?Bechukosai?ends “These are the Mitzvot which Hashem commanded Moshe to transmit to the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai.” Although the entire Torah was given on Mount Sinai, the Torah mentions Mount Sinai in a limited number of instances. From the fact that in both portions it is mentioned that these are from Mount Sinai, we can infer that the teaching of these Mitzvot include general directions in fulfilling the Torah and it is apropos that we read them in the weeks immediately preceding Shavuot, the giving of the Torah. ??The beginning of the portion Behar discusses Shemittah, the Sabbatical year. In Israel, every seventh year is Shemittah, during which it is forbidden to perform any agricultural labor. After enumerating all of the prohibitions, the Torah poses a question: “And if you will ask, what will we eat in the seventh year? I will command my blessing in the sixth year and there will be a food for three years.” Often we wonder how we will be able to manage if we live in accordance to the Torah. For some of us, keeping Shabbat seems impossible. Others find other Mitzvot beyond their grasp. The Torah teaches us that our sustenance comes only from Hashem. Of course we must do our part, but it is Hashem’s Bracha that brings success. We must place ourselves in Hashem’s hands. Hashem is not bound by the laws of nature; He can and gives a blessing by which minimal efforts produce miraculous results. ??This is echoed in the beginning of?Bechukosai. The Torah assures that if we toil in Torah studies and fulfill Hashem’s commandments diligently, Hashem will grant that the rains will come in a timely manner, the crops will be abundant, there will be peace in the land and freedom from fear. The Torah is teaching us that the time spent serving Hashem will be replaced by smoothness in our business efforts and that by dedicating our minds and hearts fully when we study and pray (hence the term toil in Torah studies) Hashem will free us from stresses in our lives. ??One of the blessings enumerated is you will eat and you will be satiated. When we are imbued with the values of the Torah, we learn to be satiated. We appreciate whatever Hashem has given us and are freed of the insecurity caused by jealousy. Without the blessing of satiation, whatever Hashem gives us we will feel that we are lacking. ??Another Mitzvah that is discussed in both portions is Yovel, the jubilee year. Every fiftieth year was the Yovel, which was a sabbatical year during which all Hebrew slaves were freed and all properties were returned to their original owners. The Yovel teaches us that everything in this world belongs to Hashem and we are only using it with His permission. A deeper lesson from Yovel is that since everything belongs to Hashem, even if currently things are bleak, and someone was forced to lose his properties, or even enter slavery, this is only temporary. The Yovel will arrive and he will be freed, and his inherited properties retained. Each Jew was freed from bondage at the time of the giving of the Torah. Further, the entire Torah is his inheritance. Sometimes, someone can be enslaved by negative influences, and lose access to his inheritance, the Torah. Yovel teaches us that in truth, he is free, and can always redeem himself. If he doesn’t redeem himself, the time will come when Hashem will free him. Furthermore, his inheritance, The Torah, is always his and can be claimed at any time. ??The Yovel parallels the coming of Moshiach, when Hashem will break the bondage of our negative side and reveal the true depths of our inheritance, the Torah. May we rejoice in his coming in these days of the preparation for Shavuot and receive the new depths in Torah that only Moshiach can reveal with the revelation of the Rebbe Shlita Melech Ha’Moshiach, immediately NOW! ? ?
This has been made available by:? Rabbi Y.?Biggs Chabad of Great Neck NY