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The Following Text is Taken From...

Dear reader,



The following text is taken from the upcoming Feb issue:



There is a very strong correlation between the social dynamics of the sexes and getting and keeping your audience's attention.


I'm gonna riff on women's attraction to men for a bit, and then segue into content creation and keeping your audience's attention, okay?


How a woman's attraction works:


Listen, I'm not talking about long-term relationships here. This is all about the primal level of a woman's initial attraction to a man before the relationship starts.

It all starts with attraction, obviously.


So, we are strictly talking about primal attraction. A woman can't control this part of her. She's either attracted to a man or she isn't. It's out of her control. She can't control that any more than Gwyneth Paltrow can control coming across as a pompous twat.


Now, here's where the similarity lies in dating and content creation.


On a first date, if a man wants the date to go the way he wants, he must get her attraction and keep it! The moment he does or says something that loses her attraction - it's game over for him.


And so it is with the content creator. A content creator must grab their audience's attention and then keep it. The moment the audience loses attention, it's all over for the content creator.


With me?






What follows, dear subscriber, is perhaps the most powerful and valuable attention-grabbing and attention-keeping secret I've ever given.


It's something I've always done unwittingly. But I've had my grand epiphany. I've become "conscious" of this skill.


In other words, the reason I have not taught this attention-keeping secret before is that I was using this attention-keeping technique unconsciously.


Now that I'm aware of it...


I Can Teach it!


Listen, many of the world's best comedians, actors, salespeople or speakers are lousy teachers of their craft.




Because they do what they do subconsciously. They are like the Kardashians. Nobody has to teach the Kardashians to be a bunch of self-absorbed narcissists - they just do it naturally.


The point is, you can only teach what you're cognitively aware of.


Well, now that I’ve stumbled onto the awareness of this attention-getting secret, you (if you're smart) will reap the benefits of it too.


Now, I won't insult your intelligence by telling you how important this skill of attention-getting and keeping is to master.?


That's as obvious as King Charles' ears.


But I will say this:


For those who take what I teach in the February issue to heart and implement it, well hell...


... they shall command a most formidable vantage over their benighted brethren and sistren.




To see how you can get these monthly issues sent to your front door (or inbox), shimmy here:



Time's running out on this offer.


?Your friend,







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