Following a script or trusting your judgement?
Lorraine Flower
Conscious Leader (aspiring), Experienced Leadership Development/OD Consultant; Executive Coach; Facilitator
We are taught from a young age to ‘follow the script’, to conform, to stay within the tramlines so that we don’t rock the boat too much. And if we are honest this can make life more comfortable – when we know the ‘rules’ and follow those rules we generally avoid upsetting anyone, catching unnecessary attention and so on.
Yet staying within the tramlines isn’t where today’s real work gets done. Our world demands more innovation, creativity and freedom of thought – it needs each of us to step fully into our own talents, truth and authenticity in order to create new solutions to big, hairy challenges.
Trusting our own judgement and following our own inner compass as leaders can seem appealing at one level and yet, when push comes to shove, do we have what it takes? Are we prepared to stand up for a new way of doing things? Are we prepared to challenge the status quo?
If we step fully into our own inner power, in other words, really tapping into our experience, intellect, instincts and intuitions we radiate a different level of energy that can draw people into new ways of thinking too.
Unhooking old and outdated self-beliefs is a start to harnessing this new freedom. Self-beliefs that hold us stuck in what seems like a safe, comfortable space but which also limit us, need to come under the microscope. They may be things like ‘I have to wait to be asked’, ‘the corporate machine is too big for me to make change’, ‘I have no ‘power’ in this system’ and many others. Liberating ourselves from these thoughtforms enables us to move differently within the system. We step more fully into our agency and our ability to have an impact that is transformative rather than managing the status quo or making small incremental steps along a pre-determined path.
Why does it matter that we move away from the script? Well, it’s not about being anarchic, it’s about recognising that we are all called to realise our full potential and play our part in the world as leaders. This can only happen when we release ourselves from any binds that hold us back, mental, emotional and physical.??
The need for powerful leaders has never been so great – powerful in the highest quality sense of that word. Powerful based on loving, compassionate and truly adult leadership.?
CBT-i therapist helping you sleep again. EAP Certified and UKCP Registered Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Trainer. Supervision of Psychological Therapists, and other Health Professionals.
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