Following a Passion
What a difference a year makes!
It's been one year since starting the journey to establish a 501c. As of July 9th we are official and looking back at the last 3+ years a lot has been accomplished. Starting out, the thought was to seek out opportunities in the community and make a difference. I believe we have, and continue to do so as we grow. At the beginning of this journey we started helping the Title 1 schools in the area with school supplies at the start of the year, food boxes at Thanksgiving, gifts and necessities during the Holiday break. Continuing to support those in need during the February and April school breaks. Supporting S.T.E.M. events and meal programs for the children during the summer break.
We have gone from dolling out items from the back of two cars to establishing food pantries that service families, elderly, veterans and students within the schools. Partnering with other-organizations in the city and most important co-workers and other business connections that have helped the organization we have today become a reality.
As we approach the next food drive we have scheduled (our 6th to date) I am hopeful we will continue to do good in our community. As most say, " it is always more rewarding to give rather than receive."
For anyone wishing to help our cause, we are GateCity Community Coalition, We hope to inspire everyone to give what they can, when they can, where they can and make a difference. Perhaps this will inspire just one person to make a difference in someone's life, donate to their own charity of choice or just do an act of kindness for a complete stranger. Whatever your passion, I can say from personal experience its been a journey, eye opening and rewarding. Making connections and seeing first hand how so many appreciate that one simple act of kindness.