Following the masses
So many people are all up in arms with what is going on in America today. No one is giving our leaders a fair chance to make things better and for the life of me, I cannot understand this. Then it hit me, especially among my family and friends that I have on facebook.
I have two types of family and friends. One type were the very popular kids in the school. They are used to everyone following their trends. Everyone in their circle agreed with them and never would argue with them or tell them they are wrong. They were Miss or Mr. It in the halls and in the classroom.
The second type I have are those that were not popular. I am not talking about those that were known by both groups and didn't belong to either, that was me. I am talking about those that no one liked. They called them names and they bullied them. These are the ones that ended up shoved into the lockers or tripped in the lunchroom.
Both types are following what the media is saying about our President and about our country. They are listening to the actors and actresses (think about their job of being someone other than themselves) and not thinking or researching for themselves. Let me explain.
The popular ones are now just ordinary people. They no longer have the mass crowd following them and thinking they are way too cool. They are now following the masses to appear cool and have the desire of having what they once had. The other type is following because for once they are not being bullied and in most cases have made something of themselves in the business world. They want to prove to their bullies that they are now cool. So whatever the trend is in this country, they are following right along.
The problem with this juvenile mentality is that neither are thinking for themselves. If they did, they would not be going for what is popular and would be going for what is right. They would not care if they were mocked, or made fun of from their peers because they are now adults and are not around these people.
Jesus did not follow the crowd. He did not go with what was popular. He saw what was going on around Him and would speak out against it, even if they were the most religious people of their group. He didn't care about religion and He doesn't care about religion today. He doesn't care about the trivial things in life. He cares about love. He cares about our souls and our eternity. He doesn't care what the mass wants with our government. He cares about the prayers of His people and the cries that went up asking for His favor again.
Stop before you start slamming someone in our government office. The media is also trying to be popular and get the ratings, so they will give the news that will bring that in. They don't care if it is the full truth, partial truth or a flat out lie, if the ratings come in and they are being watched, they will get their paychecks and move on. Before sharing on what these media people put out there, check your facts first. You may be surprised by what you find. Quit following the masses and be your own person. Someone that you can look back on and be very proud of. Someone that you would want your grandchildren to tell their children about. Someone with a backbone to just be themselves and be strong in what they believe in, not what the masses believes in.