Follow Your DNA Gift
Follow Your DNA Gift

Follow Your DNA Gift

“Should I stay where I am?”

So many executives contact us seeking help with this very important question. They worry making a move opens them up to unknown dangers. They get torn up thinking they don’t have it so bad and it’s safer to stay put. This ends up being a vicious never-ending loop.

They’ll never know if moving on is the right move unless they do it. Usually if this question in eating at you in any way, it is time to move on. You don’t have to be totally miserable to need a change.

ExecuNet’s Tony Vlahos asked recruiter Sharon Hulce, founder of Employment Resource Group, to share her thoughts with an ExecuNet audience on when it’s time to move on. Sharon had some insightful things to share on the topic.

Go to the video>>

Knowing Your Brand is Career Insurance

We all have insurance for our cars, homes, and life. What about for your career?

ExecuNet Career Strategist Stacie Haller says knowing and being able to properly articulate your brand/value story provides executives with career insurance.

That sounds like a great insurance to have! Go to the video (1-minute)>>

Knowing Your Brand is Career Insurance

What Traits Private Equity Looks to Hire

Landing a private equity role is a much sought-after goal of many executives looking for new challenges.

In this excerpt from a session of ExecuNet Master Class with private equity recruiters ZRG Partners, Richard Herman talks about some of the traits they are looking for in candidates who are looking to get into private equity.

Go to the video (1-minute)>>

What Traits Private Equity Looks to Hire



