Follow up
The surgery went successful, everything perfectly fine during the post surgery stay period and after the final consultation / appointment with the doctor, we went home with the most incredible memories of quality medical treatment and services to remember for life time and that’s it.
NOW wait a minute and Let’s take a quick recap and go back to the preparation days when you were deciding to select the surgeon, hospital, service provider, medical reports compilation, local doctors appointment and medical visa interview. A lot of hard work, careful planning, many to do list’s, networking etc. lead to the decision to choose the treatment country destination for the required medical treatment and this process is like a cycle which also requires a constant follow up with the service provider / doctor / hospital post surgery / post trip.
“But sometimes even the most successful surgery could lead to complication AFTER couple of days / weeks without notice and then we witness PANIC, FEAR and a state full of CONFUSION”.
Every surgery has many paramters that are carefully planned & evaluated; the primary factor amongst those are incision site selection. Please remember, “Surgery is a surgery” and therefore, it’s important for you to understand that your regular follow up process post surgery can do wonders during the recovery process. There are numerous cases often get lined up for revision due to lack of follow up or simple adherence to the instructions or the bullet points provided in the discharge summary / prescription medical paper from the hospital by the family members / patient itself.
In conclusion….
“Doctors are also human; they also could make mistakes and you have to stay on top of them. You have to ask the second question, the third question, the follow-up to the fourth question”
-Sandy Sandiep Duchana.