Folic acid and its importance for fetal development
Lifecare Essentials
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Folate is the essential vitamin sometimes referred to as Vitamin B9, but more commonly known by its synthetic supplemental form 'folic acid'. Found in low levels across most food products of plant origin and found in enhanced levels in some nation's wheat grain due to fortification, folic acid is a vitamin that has essential roles in the growth of neonates as well as in supporting a process known as methylation in adults. When methylation is going well, the process helps repair your DNA, regulates hormones, produces energy, protects against cancer, supports detoxification, keeps your immune system healthy etc.
Folic acid is primarily known as being the 'pregnancy supplement'. This is critical in preventing something known as 'neural tube defects' (NTDs) which are caused by insufficient folate provision to the fetus when their neural tube is being formed and the combination of food fortification and supplementation has greatly prevented. Neural tube defects, a permanent birth defect that occurs to the neural tube of an embryo when provision of folic acid to the developing embryo is insufficient; the condition, if not fatal, is associated with spine bifida and other morbidities. It was known as early as 1965 and subsequently a study found 100% risk reduction with 800 μg as a prenatal vitamin.
Due to folic acid being required in the embryonic phase of fetal development, prior to a stage where women become visually pregnant, it is officially recommended that women of childbearing age wishing to conceive supplement 400 μg of folic acid regardless of current pregnancy status. Initially in 1992 it was thought to be just 400 μg from all sources but was later expanded on by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to 400 μg as a dietary supplement in addition to food sources which is consistent with the most recent recommendations.
Consumption of folic acid prior to and leading up to pregnancy, as well as throughout, is known to significantly reduce the risk of neural tube defects. However it is a time-sensitive supplementation and should ideally be taken prior to conception.
PrimoFertil by B!TONIC? is a well-balanced mix of active vitamins, essential minerals, and female stimulators including folic acid. This specifically created supplement formula is made to assist women planning pregnancy and during the pregnancy and fetal development.