Focusing on Thyself

Focusing on Thyself

                “It’s not what the vision is it’s what the vision does.

                                  Peter Senge                              


As you can see from the above drawing, the School of Knowledge has been built. This school houses and holds all of your own: thoughts, books, devices and paper(s). This school holds you in an indirect sense. This school is the extension of the person reading this copy.


These five (5) pillars are holding up You and your own: Cell, Library or Reading Room if you will. This is the place where you can get to Learn and Know, yourself, on a much deeper level.


I attended a seminary in Pittsburgh, PA Saint’s Cyril and Methodius for two (2) years. A Monastic saying in the seminary was, “Go to your cell and your cell will teach you everything you need to know.”

This Cell, Library or Reading Room is where you go to figure out the problem(s) or, issue(s) you are having. In the end, you will figure out Thyself.


Focusing on our own self is very hard and difficult. This is why you need to do so daily. You are given answers in many different way and means. Why is it so ornery? The answers may shock you.

1) Maybe this introspection is scary and hard for you.?

2) You may not want to see the real you.

These two (2) thoughts, could be what is holding you back from being the person whom you really want to be???


Focusing on Thyself means you must Be like Athletes; Always Be In-Training. Why you ask, to be aware of what you are: doing, thinking and feeling. In two (2) word Focusing on Thyself means being Observant and Introspective of one’s own self.

When you go through this daily training; thinking outside the box is good for you. That is the essence of what we should be doing daily!!! Thinking out of ourselves to see inside ourselves.

When you do this you shall get a clear understanding of who the person in the mirror really is. You can then see what other people see on the outside as well as on the inside.


Do not kid yourself; the person in the mirror Daily; is-the-real-you.          

We The People, want to focus on others and their inadequacies. This makes us feel good and superior over them. The secret: Focus on and have courage to examine thyself daily. Never forget this little secret-EVER!!!!!


Here is another secret: People want to hang with others that are never stuck in the same ruts and are doing something different every day. No groundhog day!!!! Focusing on thyself allows you to become innovative and more productive in less time.


We must start to think like an engineer by asking basic questions of thyself. HOW can I be a better person today than I was yesterday?

Steps to Focus on Thyself


1. Read Daily

Reading is a skill that WE all should master. We should set a time and read in that time period. Why? Reading slows your mind down and helps to refocus your mind on the job(s) or your readings at hand.

When is a good time you ask? When you have less interruptions of: ELECTRONIC DEVICES, The NOISE and people vying for your attention. ??

Reading, is the ultimate Time Machine. Maybe, just maybe, you shall run into Actor Rod Taylor in the process of your reading. Why did I say Mr. Taylor?


Mr. Taylor was an original time traveler like Christopher Lloyd or Michael J. Fox. Reading takes your mind to new Lands and Stretches your imagination.

Reading makes you a very well-rounded human being. Reading allows your mind to be opened to different points of view.


It also allows you the thinking more: clearly, logically and succinctly on any given issue. Reading allows you to think through a problem to become a better critical thinker and problem solver.


You know that you do not have all the answers to questions that have been thrown at you. Reading and Memory allows you to be humble and know how to prove a person wrong by proving them wrong indirectly. ?

What does this mean? If you have all the answers while speaking to a room full of people; you are speaking to the wrong people and in the wrong room.


I came across an Article on LinkedIn by Neil Pasricha that I thought was very insightful. Mr. Pasricha is a well know podcast host and author. His article got my Mind Thinking.


The article title is, 8 Ways to Read (a lot) More Books This Year. The following are some of Mr. Pasricha’s idea; not my own.


One of those ways is to open an account on Goodreads or Reco. Publicly put the review about the book or books you have read on these sites. This process will hold yourself accountable to the books you are reading through.


This will not only facilitate your knowledge, you will become a better writer. You are utilizing both halves of the brain which is a HUGE Device to do your jobs.?

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Another way is to purge your material you do not need. Donate them to the “Have a Book, Leave a Book” Library. All very great Ideas that Mr. Pasricha thought of.


Now we return to your next section in Reading Area.

2. Read the Holy Bible

Read the Holy Bible. Read the Mind of God or Yahweh.

When you reads the Bible your life will be Affected and Effected in Positive Ways and Means.


Yahweh is telling you how to believe and behave in every situation through The Holy Bible (his mind). The Mind of God or Yahweh is a road map, for your Life.


Always remember, God is with you and in your life. He wants you to have an open mind while coming to him with your issues and problems.

Hand them to him so he can help you work them out.


If you have any questions about what you are reading in The Holy Bible ask your Rabbi, Minister or Priest. I ask my priest or priests that I see about what I am reading.


I ask many questions to make sure I am reading the passages and parables correctly. Asking questions to the correct people is priceless.


Never Be Afraid to Ask Questions to Yourself and other people you know. You must do this in diplomatic ways and means.


This is how you become a better person that people want to be around, hang out with and be the “Go To” Person that adds value to other individual’s lives. That is the kind of person this author would like to hang with be around. ?


a. How do I know it works??

I believe in what I am reading and I see how God is working in me through and my readings both of The Holy Bible and secular works that I am reading and studying.


I pray when I write these articles and I pray even when I am writing in my journal. I pray for all my connections on LinkedIn.


Connections, God has the Original Twenty-Four (24) Hour hotline. Use it; when needed. I use this hotline daily; sometime by the minute. Trust me, it works.

3. Praying

Praying allows your mind to center your thoughts and focus on Thyself. Praying while working on a project(s) keeps you centered and your thoughts focused on God or Yahweh on your endeavors.??????


As stated above, I pray immensely and intently. How you ask? Great question! I have a conversation with God, Yahweh.


I pray formal and extemporaneous prayers. I learned this in Seminary.

I also read a Daily Devotional. They help center you also.


4. Read: Daily Devotional

Reading a devotional is the next best book to reading the Bible. Reading a devotional allows your mind to be open and focus on what God or Yahweh has in store for you.


God or Yahweh has the ability to help. He will heal and open your mind to your fullest potential. Again, God or Yahweh wants you to follow his lead. Trust him to get you to where you want to be.


If you read a daily devotional and The Holy Bible, you are getting an open mind and Stronger in Training of Reading. Reading is Strength Training for the Mind. Next, I shall discuss Training for your Body.


5. Before I Leave This Section

Before I leave and discuss my next section, I want all of my readers to know a secret. The Secret: Read material that is a step above your reading level.


I read Material regarding: Mathematics, Technology, Law, Entrepreneurship, Self Help, Nutrition, Plumbing, Money, Investing and anything that sparks my interest. Watching YouTube Videos and reading Cliff Notes on the above mentioned really facilitates my learning.


Yes, this author covered a wide range of areas in this reading section. Reading is Life and Life is Worth Reading. We, must be ready for what comes next. We must be Learning Machines, to help ourselves and others, learn: faster, quicker and get to the solution.


Your mind works hard and it remembers what you read and the thought of what you read. You are an ever evolving and learning machine. Never forget it.


II Strength Training and Exercise ?

1. Strength Training

Strength Training is a process that helps to build the: mind, body and soul with a shield like umbrella around you. This strength training shall destroy the negativity of the evil one. Another thought on the strength training process is as follows.


According to while exercising or working out listening to music lowers your heart rate and blood pressure.


2. Exercise

Exercise allows you to become more toned in your physical muscle and your mental mind muscle. This working out gives YOU the upper hand with people whom want to suck the joy out of your day.


You want to be hard to these people be like an Armed Forces Person. Always focus on the mission or job at hand. This means not focusing on the negativity of what people are saying.?



Focus on the problem and be a positive problem solver. That is how you will be successful.        

III Journaling

Journaling and Outlining

Some concepts of journaling and outlining

a) Get your ideas and thoughts on paper.

b) Allows you to worry less about what you say and more on getting your point(s) across on paper.


1. Journaling

Journaling makes you an Introspective Producer of Fruit. When you journal, you see your thoughts from your mind and planted on paper in front of you simultaneously.

After a period of time these thoughts become germinated Fruit for you to enjoy. Speaking psychosocially, you are giving permission to your unconscious mind see what your conscious mind is thinking.


Start journaling by creating and outline for yourself. How you create an outline for yourself is totally up to you. Just create the outline; that is it.


2. Outlining

Outlining is twofold for the writer

1) Keeps the ideas on track.

2) Make the writing more succinct.


Writing down the ideas helps the conscious and subconscious see the thoughts and patterns of your mind and how it is working.??


I love journaling because of the above paragraph. I do free style and analytical outlining and writing in my journal. It helps me to transition from “mentally doing” to actually “seeing and doing” my thoughts and ideas.


Journaling is a true psychological motivator by holding yourself accountable to Thyself. True motivation happens when you transition from mentally thinking to physically seeing this goal on paper.



Keep putting your thoughts and goals on paper. You shall see big improvements if you keep writing these thoughts and goals in your journal.

IV Motivation

Positive People

Surround thyself with Positive People. These people will transform you into your fullest potential that you can Be.


Become the person that affect and effect someone else’s life in a positive and efficient manner. You can be the superhero by adding value when you assist that person’s life. Do not become a Flapdoodle or Puzzlewit.


Flapdoodles or Puzzlewits have no clue of what the hell end is UP or down. They have answers for everything and ask ZERO questions to you or of themselves. They have shit for brains. Stay away from them.

V Mentors

1) Mentors are the kinds of people whom you want to have and hang around with. I am talking about people with a Vision-“Clear Vision.” Your connections on this LinkedIn platform are good Mentors.

A good mentor is an invaluable “lifeline” if you will.?These individuals have proven themselves. They have been through “The Hell,” and will assist. They only way they can is for you to ask.


These mentors have “BIG non-visual” battle scares.        

A mentor is a great person to acquire to help you over the potholes on the road to success. Mentors add value to you mentally and physically. They, are forcing you to become physically and mentally strong.


Maybe the vision these people including God and your Connections on LinkedIn is unclear for you. They shall express the vision to you when you need to see and hear it.

2) Vision

A Vision is a Goal. The Vision itself is what you need to get from points A to B. Vision, is what pushes The Person or Thyself and their mentor to the max. Getting to that summit by achieving that goal is paramount.


A goal could be:

1) How Tech Program works.

2) How a Device works.

3) What is written down in your journal?


They will hold you accountable for what you are doing and the goals you are setting. They will be your best friends if you let them. Those are the ones whom you want to get connected and stay connected with.

In Summation

Striving to get to the summit of examining thyself daily is where you want to be. Be positive and Stay positive through music that is in your head or in your ears.

Mentors will keep you moving and keep you Focused. This is what for your life. You shall be like Chicago’s Song “Feeling Stronger Everyday.”


Keep Reading, Challenging and sending Thyself to the School of Knowledge to expand your mind. Expand your mind Daily.        

Remember, when you are dealt lemons and you need to figure out how to get the lemons into lemonade. When you find the answer you have reached the summit.

Author Bio:

Matthew J. Gaydos is an Avid: Communicator, Speaker, Storyteller, Writer, Reader, Critical Thinker and Researcher. Get to know the author through the various Articles he has published and the posts he has commented on through social media platforms: LinkedIn and Parlor. Thanks for reading.

? Works Cited


New American Bible: St. Joseph’s Edition Illustrated Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York p.436 ?



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