Focusing on the Numbers in Your Business
Dr Tess Crawley, PhD
Clinical Forensic Psychologist | Director, The Crawley Clinic | Business Coach | Author | Winner, Leadership & Management Excellence Award 2024 | Finalist, Psych of the Year 2024 & 2019 | Finalist, Tas Writers Prize 2024
Do you find it hard to focus on the numbers in your business? I’m such a visual thinker that I find it really hard to focus on the numbers I really should be looking at more closely.
I hate looking at spreadsheets. It absolutely depletes my energy! But I’d noticed recently I’ve been happy to look at the revenue charts in my PayPal app. These show me at a glance the revenue generated by my coaching business, with lots of comparisons against past performance so I can monitor growth.
I found I was frustrated that I couldn’t have something as simple as this to visually show me the things I need to monitor in my clinic’s revenue streams.
So I’ve begun working with an external agency to develop a bespoke “dashboard” for my clinic’s various revenue streams so I can quickly see at a glance how we are progressing. We’ll be able to track numbers and dollars, split by revenue type and geographical location, and compare against previous time periods. All at a single glance, updated automatically on a daily basis.
I’m geeking out already!
The first task is to draft the outcome goal … i.e., what I want it to show me. This image is from our first white board session sketching out an initial impression of what the dashboard do. I’ll let this sit for a day or two in case I want to change anything before sending it off to the developers.
This first draft fell right our of my head in about five minutes, because I can already “see” what I want the dashboard to be able to show me. And I found this process thoroughly inspiring. Who said I hate looking at my numbers!
You might not need to go to the extent of having your own dashboard created, but I do encourage you to get creative about how you monitor your numbers. Find ways that work for you, it doesn’t all have to be excel spreadsheets!!
p.s. CEO MINDSET TRAINING - NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION ... Live sessions start on July 29. Only $497 for six weeks of training, group discussions AND pre-work. Here’s the link to all the info (also in bio):