Focusing on International borders.
In recent months I’ve been focusing on making ‘International’ bows. My latest violin bow avoids all the pitfalls of international trade. We classify bows as ‘International’ bows when they avoid the banned or restricted parts historically found on bows of the past. This restrictions include Ivory faceplates, Tortoise shell frogs, Ivory frogs and buttons, Whalebone winding and Mother of Pearl slides and eyes made from Black Abalone. Black Abalone once found plentifully along the California coast has been decimated over the years. Harvesting is now illegal and can be met with heavy penalties.
I have just finished violin bow number 1178. It avoids any CITES restrictions as well as the Lacy Act restrictions.
Made with top quality pernambuco. I have chosen to mount it with a Bison horn frog trimmed in 14 karat rose gold fitting. The face plate is of the same gold as are the rings on the bison horn button.
It is decorated with a mother of pearl slide and the eyes, of a similar pattern, are tightly encircled with gold rings. This is not classed as a Parisian eye. It is, in fact, my own signature eye found in all my late model bows.
The wrap is of two-tone French silk while the thumb grip is domestic leather.
Why Bison horn?
It is now well understood that ebony is heading to the CITES restriction list and in the not to distant future will be listed. Import of this wood is already band or restricted from most countries and at the moment only such species coming from Gaboon enjoys free entry.
Bison on the other hand, well – it is listed as the “Newer Healthier Meat”
By the way, this bow also has its own microchip.
This violin bow is available for trial.