Data Strategy (Part 2 of 15 ): These are the 5 Questions Pillbox, Fornite answered and disrupted using data

Data Strategy (Part 2 of 15 ): These are the 5 Questions Pillbox, Fornite answered and disrupted using data

In the tech industry, there is a lot of talk of Data, Data-driven companies, and strategies. For customers, It means nothing. A customer could care less about what strategy a business uses as long as it is being relevant to their needs.

The end customers don't care about your investments, strategies, board, or IT staff. They are value-centric and compare you to everyone else in the market.

The examples I share have answered the core questions well for their customers. These are the reasons behind these brands' astonishing success and leading by example.

As we get busier and our attention spans reduce, the patience to wait is dropping.

Customers punish brands for a poor experience, bad product placement. The 'Amazon' experience has changed them forever. Brands like Best Buy paid attention in time and changed before it was too late. Many others could not- ToysRus, RadioShack, and a lot list of brands.

Here are the 5 questions that customers want answers to:

  1. Do you have the product I am looking for?
  2. Are you saving me time, and/or money, and/or effort?
  3. Are you making it easier for me to buy from you?
  4. Are you a long-term partner or only looking to sell once?
  5. Finally, what do you stand for? [deep question related to brand positioning, brand voice, and social messaging]

Pillbox and their approach

Can Amazon's investment in pillbox disrupt Walgreens, CVS, and the pharmacy business? The Core of Amazon's business has answered those 5 questions for the customers.

Amazon Prime Continues to rage ahead with subscribers growth.

Core facets are strong search, convenience, Reducing friction, support, and clear branding.

How many more big-box retailers and wholesalers will succumb to not reinventing themselves?

Fornite and their reliance on data

Fortnight is a popular video game.

Game designers get Real-time data coming from players and their sessions all around the world.

Fortnite generates 2 Peta Bytes of data per month.

All the insights tell designers what users want. These updates make their way back in the new release in the shape of improvements.

They give their fanbase what it wants!

This is another example of giving customers what they want. Let them carry on with their lives, in this case, keep playing the game which is by the way amazing. If you haven't tried Fortnite, pls do ASAP.

Human beings are living and breathing transponders, always emitting signals.

We are signaling, always:

- What we like

- What we don't like

- Who we are

- What we aspire to be

- What are our surroundings

- What are our priorities

For a company, these signals mean- data. This data presents an opportunity to know the customer better.

A brand that stops investing in its customers, their needs, and their likes have departed from its core purpose.

To achieve those core principles of serving the customer and improving engagement, experience, and much more.

Put your data to use.

Take it out from the cold storage!

Other Recommended reads

  1. Interesting article which opens up the Fortnight case study and its AWS stack in the behind:
  2. AWS's big data blog, which is meant for technical deep-dive, but can offer significant knowledge as well?
  3. Book recommendation -?How Smart machines think Excellent book which takes you through the journey of driverless cars, Netflix's big data program and so much more excellent content.?
  4. Book recommendation -?What the digital future holds: a book from MIT Sloan, covering short essays from some of the industry stalwarts.


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