Focusing on Diversity is a silent scream—visible but unheard.
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Focusing on Diversity is a silent scream—visible but unheard.

Diversity in the workplace is a topic that has been extensively explored. However, the true essence of diversity transcends numerical representation. A question posed to me during an interview ignited deeper contemplation on the matter. "If the CEO of an organization prioritizes diversity hiring, how would you approach it? At which level would you hire diverse talents?" My response was that hiring for diversity's sake, without understanding the depth of belongingness, is akin to a silent scream—visible but unheard.

Mere numerical diversity lacks the power to bring lasting change to organizations. Instead, the organizations that grasp the essence of belongingness unlock the true potential of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Drawing from my experiences in both thriving corporations and struggling entities, a stark contrast emerges. The realization is supported by research, as highlighted in a Harvard Business Review article: "High belonging was linked to a whopping 56% increase in job performance, a 50% drop in turnover risk, and a 75% reduction in sick days. For a 10,000-person company, this would result in annual savings of more than $52M."

Belongingness, the foundation of inclusivity, is deeply rooted in human history. Our prehistoric ancestors understood that survival depended on group cohesion. The fear of rejection, embedded in our DNA, drives us to conform to social norms. However, belonging isn't just about proximity; it's about meaningful connections and genuine regard. The absence of belonging inflicts psychological and physical harm. This concept is crucial in understanding the science behind inclusive initiatives.

Belongingness can be likened to a foundation: a weak one cannot sustain a strong structure. DEI initiatives cannot thrive on metrics alone. Conversely, when an organization fosters a sense of belonging, a natural path to inclusivity and, consequently, improved diversity, emerges. Employees who feel secure and valued naturally attract meritorious and diverse talent.

To practically implement these ideals, a systematic approach is vital:

1. Connectedness Assessment (Phase I):

  • Culture Assessment: Identify touchpoints within the employee lifecycle that affect engagement with the organizational culture.
  • Leadership Assessment: Evaluate inclusivity among leaders, especially line managers.
  • Work Practices Assessment: Analyze the alignment of practices with cultural ideals, equity, and inclusivity.

2. Diagnostics & Planning:

  • Analyze gaps based on the envisioned future state.
  • Develop a strategy with 90-day, 180-day, and 365-day milestones.
  • Identify key stakeholders and form a project team.
  • Design reward strategies to reinforce positive impacts.

3. Sponsorship & Socialization (Phase II):

  • Seek senior leadership sponsorship and secure commitments.
  • Share plans with the organization and communicate support mechanisms.
  • Maintain open channels for feedback and suggestions.

4. Leadership Readiness & Commitment (Phase III):

  • Invest in developing senior leaders and line managers.
  • Provide coaching, mentoring, and support to facilitate change.

5. Execution (Phase IV):

  • Regularly review progress and adapt to changes.
  • Embrace genuineness, adaptability, and compassion throughout.

In conclusion, prioritizing belongingness lays the groundwork for inclusive organizations. An organization that is safe and happy becomes a magnet for diverse talent. Belongingness isn't just an abstract concept; it's the heartbeat of every successful DEI initiative. By nurturing a culture of belonging, organizations reap not only the quantitative benefits but also a thriving environment where every individual flourishes. Just as bees are drawn to nectar-filled flowers, talent flocks to organizations that resonate with a sense of belongingness.

As we embark on this journey of inclusivity, let's remember that diversity and belongingness are inseparable twins, with the latter being the nurturing ground for the former's growth. By addressing the heart of the matter, we create workplaces where everyone truly belongs.


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