focusing on desire vs. not having
Justin Castelli, RLP?, CFP?
aligning your finances with your authentic life, founder RLS Wealth, co-founder of The AGC? and founder of PRST?
I always get a little nervous when a Daily Note ventures into the spiritual realm because I do not want to offend or turn anyone away from the message in the note. It is important to me that my message has direction, but also is flexible enough for everyone to incorporate it into their belief system because I genuinely believe the ideas attached to the alignment of spirit, mind, and body and living your authentic life apply to every belief system–everyone can find the best way for their Self to apply these ideas.
With that being said, I also believe it’s my role to share these ideas and allow others to do with it what they will, and if that leads to someone being offended or leaving because they think the message attacks their belief system, there’s nothing I can do about it. After all, the Daily Notes are not premeditated—they arrive each morning, and I just share them through the words I feel best to tell the story.
Today’s note is heavily inspired by a book I started reading this weekend and will probably finish before the end of Monday called Ask And It Is Given. I’m sure this book has been judged by its cover by many and has been skipped over—the cover of the book includes the subtitle “Learning To Manifest Your Desires.” I would highly encourage you to give the book a chance. When you feel the urge to read it, do so and read it with an open mind–there may be parts that seem too far out there, but don’t miss the forest for the trees.
This book is just as much a mindset book as it is a spiritual book.
I wanted to share a few passages that I highlighted and shared with a few friends yesterday because I feel they are very powerful concepts, and they only require a shift in perspective within your thoughts. And this light shift in perspective can lead to a dramatic change in your experience–and it can have a compounding effect once you recognize it at work.
“However, if there is something that you desire that you currently do not have, and you put your attention upon your current state of not having it, then the Law of Attraction will continue to match that not having it vibration, so you will continue to not have that which you desire. It is Law.”
This passage is even more powerful when I share the one that preceded it:
“If there is something that you desire that you currently do not have, you need only put your attention upon it, and, by the Law of Attraction, it will come to you, for as you think about this thing or experience that you desire, you offer a vibration, and then, bu Law that very thing or experience must come to you.”
Later in the book these two complementary passages are summed up:
“As long as you are more aware of what you do not want regarding the situation, what you do want cannot come to you.”
Now think about the thoughts that are dominating your mind–do you focus on what you desire or the lack of what you desire? It might seem that they are the same, but there is a significant difference between them, which might hold you back from moving closer to your authentic life.
“It is not possible for you to consistently feel positive emotion about something and have it turn out badly, just as it is not possible for you to consistently feel bad about something and have it turn out well–for the way you feel will tell you if you are allowing your natural Well-Being or not.”
Think about different experiences in your life, and you will surely see that you have personally experienced one, if not more, of these passages’ truths. Whether or not you believe in the ability to manifest and create your life doesn’t matter to me. What I hope you realize is that the more positive, optimistic, and excited your thoughts and emotions are, the better your experiences will be.
See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,