Focusing on the content or on building links?
Ion Tudorache, PhD
Co-founder and Director at GAMITSEO. We help Website Owners & Digital Agencies with SEO Services and link building campaigns to increase website traffic and sales.
Owning a site over the web is not enough to qualify as successful and there are a number of things you have to do if you want to improve the results you get from your web presence. Search engines are the first tools people use to find information and these are the first ones you should focus on if you want to bring in more traffic to your web presence. The more traffic you will draw in, the higher the chances are to make more sales or for visitors to use the information you have to offer. If you want more people to visit your site, you have to rank among the first in the search engine query results. This will guarantee the success of your site and you will invest more time in making it close to perfect.
Search engine optimization is a complicated process and it involves many different things at the same time. People often wonder what they need to focus on so they can improve the rank of their site and achieve the results they were going for, but they do not always turn to the right options. Here are a few pointers so you can make the best decisions. One of the things you need to keep in mind is that SEO is not a process with just one target, but a combination of factors that will lead to the results you are after.
The first thing you have to worry about is the quality of the content you will post on your site so you can make your web presence useful for all the visitors that will come to your site. The keywords you will use in the content you will publish are also very important. You have to use enough to attract the attention of the search engines, but you must not use more than you have to since this will appear as stuffing. If you post the right articles you will surely attract more visitors since they will enjoy reading what you will publish.
Updating content is also important for improving your ranks with search engines. Even if you post great articles on your site and even if they are very useful, you should not rest on your laurels and you should keep adding useful things to your site. Posting a few articles every few years is not the recipe you should turn to for your online success. As you can see, there are many factors you have to take into account when you want to succeed.
You shouldn’t focus on just one of them if you want to see results and you can learn more about this if you visit the forum of Webmaster World. This is also where you will find out that the results you see when you search for the keywords you focus on are different due to various factors, but you should always focus on making your site better than its competition. The more effort you put into this, the surer you will be about the results you will get.
Building links with content from experts
People who develop and run sites over the web want to do their best to succeed. There are many different things they have to take into account when they are looking for real results and there are quite a few factors that will influence their activity. What do you want to do so you can enjoy the success you were hoping for thanks to a web presence? You are not the only person who has to deal with such a dilemma and there are other users who share their thoughts on the matter over the web. If you will visit the forum of Webmaster World, you will see the concerns of a user that wants to attract more visitors to his site and you will find out the opinions of the others who know more about this.
When you want to build a site, you have to focus on making it useful for the people who will visit it. This is why you have to focus on the content you will publish and how appealing it will be to the people to will read it. If you will provide useful details about an aspect they are interested in, you will surely attract more visitors with your topic.
Search engines are the tools most people use when they want to find something and you can do your best to improve your rank in the query results they return. One of the options you can turn to is building links to your site that will show search engines how useful your content is and how you can help people with the information you have to offer.
You should also focus on your competition and what you can do better than them. If you want to build a site that will return the results you had in mind and will become popular in the field you focus on, you have to use the help of an expert. This is where you will find the answers you seek and the task you undertake will be significantly easier.
For instance, if you will turn to the company called GAMIT, their team will provide the best answers when it comes to search engine optimization. No matter if you are just starting out or if you want to improve the popularity of an old site, they will provide the best solution that considers all the factors so you can enjoy real result very soon as well.
GAMIT is the company that will help you publish fresh content on a regular basis on various popular sites so they can build links to your site increasing your popularity with search engines. By combining these two methods you will surely see a better rank in the future.
This is not a process that will turn things around overnight, but they will provide real results with natural links built on your behalf sooner than you imagine. There are many other site owners that benefited from their services and you can be their next success story.
About the author
Ion G. Tudorache
I am the co-founder and managing director of Gamit. My technical background in routing protocols (with a PhD in engineering obtained at the University of Leeds – UK) helps me really understand the SEO strategies which are needed to obtain and maintain a website on the first page of Google for its main keywords. My main role in the company is to research, analyze and test innovative ways on how to help websites get top Google ranks using only white hat SEO techniques.
My extensive technical understanding background helps me to achieve this goal. I also discuss projects objectives with our customers and give advice on how to implement the latest SEO techniques. I consider myself being funny, charismatic and smart. However, my friends see me being only serious and smart … maybe the Doctor title that I have is to blame. I love to travel, playing sports and drinking coffee.
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