FOCUSED Ministries- weekly prayer
Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men (Luke 2:14, NKJV)!
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for another day. As we enter into this holiday season, we pray You would make this a time of peace and reflection for us all. It is so easy to get caught up in the worldly aspects of this time of year. Help us not to lose focus. We are grateful for the time that will be spent with our families, the food, the gifts—but most importantly we thank You for Your son Jesus Christ who was sent to save us. You have shown us unfathomable love and mercy and we thank You for that not only on this holiday but every day!
We pray that You would also bring joy and peace that transcends all understanding to those who are hurting this season. We know so many have faced loss recently or find themselves in a state of anxiety and confusion as we wrap up a difficult year. Please touch their hearts and spark a desire in them to draw near to You so that they may be renewed and restored. May they find the type of comfort only You can provide. Use us as You will to reach those around us in our own families, circles of friends, and communities.
You have been so good to us! Position our hearts towards You this week. Thank You for all you do and for being who You are, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Offered by Ms. Camille Murray