FOCUSED Ministries - weekly prayer
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my savior; my God is my rock in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety (Psalms 18:2, New Living Translation).
Dear Lord,
You are the Supreme God, creator of the universe and everything within it; all that we know and imagine is because of You. I honor and worship You; for only You, and You alone, are worthy of our highest esteem and solemn praise. I thank and praise You, our awesome and Holy Father, for life abundant and glorious. I offer this prayer in the name of Your Precious Son, Jesus the Christ, and on behalf of FOCUSED Ministries, its leaders, its members, and all those associated with this ministry.
Father, I place before You each person who reads this prayer and ask that You be the rock and fortress that is needed in these times of turmoil and uncertainty. Lord, please shelter each of us from dangers seen and unseen. I thank You for Your refuge from problems real and imagined. Help us remember that in You is protection and a place of safety. In You, Lord, we can find peace no matter what dissension, confusion, or conflict surrounds us.
Father, let us rest in the power You have provided through Your Holy Spirit that dwells within us. I call out to my brothers and sisters of all ages, creeds, and distinctions. “Come with me as I run into a place of safety, a place of shelter, a place of strength, a place of power. Stand with me in the Arms of Our Loving Father. Look to Our Sovereign, Magnificent God. Our Shield and Our Hiding Place.” Selah.
Humbly submitted by Mrs. Margo McCoy, Member, Governing Board of Directors
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Dr. Trisha J. Baker