A Focused Mind Is A Powerful Mind

A Focused Mind Is A Powerful Mind

Focusing your mind is a mental training that requires willpower and resilience.? It’s hard work!? And, I would argue that the reward is well worth the effort.??

When you start to develop your capacity to focus, you achieve extraordinary results.? Although it’s hard work, concentration is powerful - your capacity to stay on track in the midst of distraction can truly increase your productivity.? There is also a sense of mental calming because the mind can relax into whatever you are focused on instead of spending energy jumping from one “what-if” scenario to another.? And, as you deeply relax into concentration, your capacity to experience pleasure and joy increases.

I know what you are thinking … Ok, this all sounds great, but how do I focus my overthinking, stressed out mind?? Here are a few strategies you can do in order to increase your focus.

  1. Choose a time to focus.? Pick a routine task and use your five senses to become as present as possible.? For example, when you are washing the dishes, notice the smell of the soap, the movement of your body, the temperature of the water and how the water and suds feel on your skin.? This practice will help you focus when the tasks are not so routine.???
  2. Eat Mindfully.? Pay attention to each bite without the distractions of your computer, phone, TV or conversations with others.? Really notice how the food looks, tastes, smells, and what it’s texture feels like.? Simply enjoying your food can bring your awareness to the present and increase your sense of gratitude for the wonderful meal you are enjoying.??
  3. Slow down.? The more you slow down, the more you notice.? Try walking a little slower from the store to your car and notice what you feel or see.? Again, use your senses to tune into the present moment and focus on what is happening in the body.????
  4. Find your focus time. There will be times of the day that are more conducive for you to focus.? Maybe it’s first thing in the morning, or mid-day.? Or, maybe it’s after moving the body or eating a meal. Whatever that time is for you, use that time to work on your most Learn the times of day that are more conducive for you to focus.
  5. Remove distractions. ?When you really need to focus on a task or project, put away your phone or anything else that might distract you. Create a space that feels welcoming and comfortable so you can be fully present.???

And, you can also practice concentration meditation.??

Concentration practice is choosing an object to focus on and sticking with it.? You can choose to focus on the breath, a saying (or mantra) or a physical sensation in the body (like the sensations in your hands).? Once you bring your awareness to this anchor, you’ll begin to notice how the mind wanders. In the moment when you recognize that you are no longer focused on your anchor, your job is to keep dragging yourself back, again and again to that anchor point.? The more you stay with bringing your mind back to the present anchor, the more you start to recognize the patterns of your mind and become aware of the top 10 stories that are consistently coming up between you and the present moment.??

Here are some ways you can practice concentration meditation:?

  1. Count the breath - Inhale to the count of 5 and then exhale to the count of 5.??
  2. Notice the length of the inhale vs. the exhale - is one longer than the other??
  3. Ask yourself, is this inbreath shorter or longer than the inbreath before it???
  4. Get curious and notice where you feel the breath on the inside.? Really investigate every sensation.

Finally, know that your mind will wander because the job of your mind is to think, just like the job of your heart is to beat.? When you catch yourself caught in a thought, instead of judging yourself for not staying with the anchor, reframe this moment as waking up!? You are awake to the present!??

Focus is not an easy practice!? Your busy, monkey mind wants to wander!? However, if you practice concentration a little bit each day, you will feel more calm, confident, and creative so you can live a more happy and joyful life!??

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